One million acres by 2020: strategy report and recommendations
A report of the findings and recommended actions from the 1 Million Acre Short Life Working Group to get 1 million acres of land in community ownership by 2020.
Annex A - 1 Million Acre Strategy Overview
Vision: A Scotland where a significant increase in the amount of land in community ownership will contribute to a fairer Scotland by helping diversify land ownership and create more sustainable, resilient and empowered communities throughout the country.
![Million Acre Strategy overview j408131_g07.gif](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/report/2015/12/one-million-acres-2020-strategy-report-recommendations-1-million-acre/00490621.gif)
1. Increase social justice, fairness and the progressive
realisation of human rights; and further the sustainable
development of Scotland's land, economy, communities and places.
2. Reduce inequalities through wider access to resources
resulting from more community/ diverse land ownership.
3. Supporting communities to realise their aspirations and
control their destinies, through increased confidence and cohesion
and public support to acquire land and assets.
4. Passing power to more communities through subsidiarity
and local decision-making, where communities lead change for
5. Maximise the collective talents, creativity and
determination of communities across Scotland.
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