
Hate crime law consultation: easy read version

'One Scotland: hate has no home here' consultation asks for your views on consolidating all Scottish hate crime legislation and expanding the statutory aggravations.

About The Questions

You need to complete this section which asks for some personal information before answering the consultation questions. All the information collected will be held in accordance with Data Protection law. As you go through the document we will explain which questions you must give answers to and others which are optional.

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Question (you must complete this question)
Are you answering these questions as an individual person (giving your own views), or are you representing an organisation (giving the organisation's views)?
Tick the box that best suits you.


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Question (you must complete this question)
What is your name? Or your organisation's name?
Write it in here:

We may need to contact you to discuss your answers.

What is the best way for us to contact you? You can provide as much contact information as you like, but only need to give us one way to contact you.

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What is your email address?
Write it in here:

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What is your phone number?
Write it in here:

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What is your address?
Write it in here:

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What is your postcode?
Write it in here:

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The Scottish Government wants to publish your answers to the questions about hate crime.

Tick the box that shows what you want to happen with your answers.

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Yes, show my name with my answers (only your name will be shown, your contact details will not be shown)

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Yes, show my answers, but not my name

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No, do not show my name or my answers.

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The Scottish Government might want to contact you again in the future about the questions about Hate Crime.

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Are you happy for the Scottish Government to contact you again? Tick one box to show your answer.


Email: Fiona Mackay

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