
Hate crime law consultation: easy read version

'One Scotland: hate has no home here' consultation asks for your views on consolidating all Scottish hate crime legislation and expanding the statutory aggravations.

What happens next

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This consultation is open until Wednesday 24 February 2019.

You can get involved in different ways:

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Go online to

This will take you away from this document.

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Complete the information about you and answer the questions set out in this booklet. Send your completed booklet to

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Write to:

Hate Crime Legislation Team
Scottish Government
Area 3H South
Victoria Quay

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When the consultation ends in February 2019, all the responses will be read.

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All the responses will be published on the Scottish Government website, but your name will not appear if you do not want it to.

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The Scottish Government will publish a report based on what people have told them, by the end of May 2019.

If you have any comments or questions about the consultation, you can email the Scottish Government at


Email: Fiona Mackay

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