
One Year Job Guarantee Scheme

Guidance for Newly Qualified Nurses and Midwiveslooking to apply for the One Year Job Guarantee Internship Scheme


The Scottish Government has been actively engaging with Higher Education Institutions, NHS employers, trade unions and professional organisations to maximise job opportunities for newly registered nurses and midwives under the One Year Job Guarantee (OYJG) scheme. The Scottish Government is committed to providing an offer of employment to newly registered nurses and midwives if they have not been able to find a post through their own endeavours. The Scottish Government has asked NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to support NHS Boards in implementing a nationally co-ordinated 'internship' programme.

This guidance provides information on the internship scheme and provides answers to a number of frequently asked questions. The Scottish Government has developed this guidance in partnership with the One Year Job Guarantee Internship Scheme National Steering Group, which includes representatives from NHS boards, universities and professional organisations of the RCN, RCM and UNISON. The guidance is intended primarily for students nearing completion of their pre-registration education and newly qualified nurses and midwives.


Email: Pauline Jones

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