
Onshore wind: policy statement 2022

Sets out our ambition to deploy 20GW of onshore wind by 2030, as well as details on the formation of an onshore wind strategic leadership group, who will develop an onshore wind sector deal.

Annex 7: Terms of Reference of OnWARD 2030


The Onshore Wind Aviation Radar Delivery 2030 Group (OnWARD 2030) is run by RenewableUK (RUK) through its existing Aviation Working Group (AWG). The Group has been formed at the request of, and to support the objectives of, the Aviation Management Board (AMB) which is Chaired by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and reports to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth. OnWARD will align with AMB objectives and report back to the Board.


OnWARD 2030 will build on the prevailing environment of co-existence between the onshore wind and aviation sectors. Through a focus on both policy delivery and the implementation of technical solutions; OnWARD 2030 will support the commitment of government of a just transition to a net zero economy. This will be achieved through partnership working with the renewable industry, the aviation industry and government.


The function of OnWARD 2030 is to mobilise a focussed group of public and industry experts to:

1. Work with the AMB and its members to deliver on the principles, purpose, scope and functions agreed within the AMB TOR's

2. Develop a series of feasible recommendations, which can be implemented in a timeframe which aligns with legally-binding net zero and energy resilience targets. These recommendations will not be made without first ensuring all necessary levels of safety will be adhered to, in accordance with national and international obligations and regulations.

Initially OnWARD 2030 will undertake these functions through engagement with the Department for Transport (DfT), the Ministry of Defence (MOD), the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), NATS, BEIS and other aviation stakeholders to deliver on the initial AMB workplans and ensure a coherent approach consistent with realistic timelines. Stakeholder collaboration and engagement will sit at the heart of this work.

Formal functions of this Group are:

1. Working Towards Co-Existence: Driving a change from case-by-case mitigation towards enduring co-existence between onshore wind and aviation, including civil Air Traffic Management (ATM) and MOD Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Air Defence (AD). OnWARD 2030 will consider opportunities for regional solutions and promote greater cooperative working between parties to deliver system and cost efficiencies.

2. Sharing of Experience and Reducing Duplication: Identifying where Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) Aviation Workstream outcomes are transferable to the onshore environment and ensuring appropriate linkages are made. A similar approach to that taken by OWIC will likely be beneficial and OnWARD 2030 should identify whether governance arrangements from OWIC can be carried into OnWARD 2030. OnWARD 2030 will also acknowledge the different complexities, stakeholders and environment onshore wind operates within.

3. Cost Neutral Mitigation: Developing a strategy and identifying the responsibilities of stakeholders in the delivery of a series of cost neutral mitigation solutions to be implemented by 2030. These solutions should not result in profit from mitigations, and the process of having a mitigation should be fair and non-revenue generating. It should also meet the needs of both onshore wind and aviation (both civil and military) requirements.


OnWARD 2030 is a combined effort between RUK AWG members and RUK Onshore Planning Members. It is anticipated that attendance will be required from relevant aviation industry stakeholders as there must be mutual will and support between DfT and the wind industry, together with other relevant aviation stakeholders.

OnWARD 2030 is overseen by the AMB and is one of the AMB workstreams. It is driven by RUK and sits within the AWG. It will periodically update to the Aviation Management Board as well as relevant RUK Working and Steering Groups such as the Onshore Wind Steering Group and the AWG.

OnWARD 2030 is currently chaired by a member of the AWG and membership includes prominent Onshore Wind developers, Scottish Government and the RUK Aviation Policy Lead. Secretariat support is provided by RUK Aviation Policy Lead.

Rules of Engagement

To foster cooperation, open dialogue and collaborative working across Group members and other relevant aviation industry stakeholders; the following rules of engagement will be adhered to:

1. Competition law requirements will be noted at the start of each meeting and adhered to;

2. Where OnWARD 2030 stakeholders share sensitive information, these are released for the Group's information only and not to be used for other purposes without prior agreement, nor shared beyond those that need to access them to support the workings of the Group. All commercially sensitive information should be clearly marked as such in both the sending email and any attached documents. Information shared with the Scottish and UK Governments is subject to Freedom of Information Requests, whilst exemptions exist for commercially sensitive data, any decision to withhold information could be overturned by the Information Commissioner;

3. No information is to be made available publicly without the express permission of the originator;

4. Anything bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are to be adhered to.


As workstreams develop it is expected that the membership will evolve, bringing in other relevant stakeholders. The initial membership includes:

  • Banks Group
  • RenewableUK
  • Vattenfall Wind Power
  • RES Group
  • SSE-R
  • RWE
  • ScottishPower Renewables
  • Scottish Government

Voting Mechanism:

If a matter arises which cannot be unanimously agreed on, a vote may be required. All OnWARD 2030 members will have one vote. An issue tabled for voting will require a simple majority to approve. In the event of a tie, the Scottish Government will hold the casting vote.

Conduct and Frequency of Meetings

OnWARD 2030 shall meet at least every two months at a time set by the Secretariat and agreed by Group Members, with interim meetings as necessary. Supporting workshops and meetings related to the functions maybe tied to the Group or held independently.

To support modern working practises across multiple organisations, the Group will meet virtually via Microsoft Teams. If it is appropriate to facilitate in person/ hybrid meetings this will be discussed by Group Members, and in person meetings set only with their approval.

The Secretariat will endeavour to issue papers and agenda 5 working days before the date of each meeting. High level minutes and Actions of each Board meeting will be circulated by the Secretariat within 10 working days of the following meeting.

During each meeting, agreement on the Minutes and actions from the previous meeting will be confirmed by OnWARD 2030 Members.



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