
Onshore wind: policy statement 2022

Sets out our ambition to deploy 20GW of onshore wind by 2030, as well as details on the formation of an onshore wind strategic leadership group, who will develop an onshore wind sector deal.

Chapter 2: Delivering on our Ambition for Onshore Wind in Scotland

2.1. Introduction

2.1.1. The Scottish Government is committed to achieving our climate change targets in a way that maximises the economic and social benefits of a just transition to a net-zero economy.

2.1.2. We need a collaborative approach across government, industry, community representatives and other stakeholders that will deliver on our onshore wind ambition. To this end, the Scottish Government will form an Onshore Wind Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) and will task this SLG with taking forward the aspirations of this policy statement, and the development of an Onshore Wind Sector Deal.

2.2. A Strategic Leadership Group for Onshore Wind in Scotland

2.2.1. The SLG's principal role will be to develop a sector deal for onshore wind, which will identify solutions to key deployment challenges, establish opportunities to maximise benefits to Scotland, and foster a collaborative spirit across the sector, while aiding a just transition.

2.2.2. As the Sector Deal will be a key deliverable for the group, the SLG will consist of government representatives, onshore wind industry leaders, Scottish Renewables, relevant Scottish Government agencies and Supply Chain representatives and a body representing issues affecting local communities.

2.2.3. Below is a potential structure for this group:

Organogram showing SLG structure. Has main group leads and sets out the sub groups beneath these leads.

2.2.4. Relevant sub-groups will be formed to ensure that the key technical aspects of these issues are considered by experts and fed into the strategic leadership established by this group.

2.3. Vision for Onshore Wind in Scotland

2.3.1. Scottish Renewables, on behalf of the onshore wind sector in Scotland, has produced a Vision Statement which we consider to lay the basis of a more detailed sector deal that the SLG will develop. The Vision Statement is available in Annex 5.

2.4. Sector Deal

2.4.1. The Sector Deal will be a shared commitment between government and industry to deliver upon government ambitions while growing a key sector in a way that aligns with the principles of a just transition to net zero. We will reflect on approaches taken for other sector deals already in place between the UK Government and key sectors such as Artificial Intelligence, Construction, Creative Industries, Automotive and Offshore Wind.

2.4.2. Onshore wind will play a crucial role in delivering our legally binding climate change targets. There will be significant economic opportunities from supply chain growth, increased deployment and community involvement, therefore the onshore wind sector would benefit from a carefully considered sector deal. This deal must drive GVA and deliver enhanced community and local benefits and well-paid, highly skilled jobs across all parts of Scotland.

2.4.3. The Sector Deal will represent a shared commitment to achieve these goals by establishing a strategic partnership between government and the sector that we will continue to grow and strengthen in the years ahead.

2.4.4. Through our engagement with the sector on the Vision Statement, a pathway to an Onshore Sector Deal has been developed between the Scottish Government and Scottish Renewables. Given the scale and pace of delivery needed, we are committed to starting work on the Sector Deal immediately.

2.4.5. We see this work being taken forward as follows:

Pathway to an Onshore Wind Sector Deal

Flow chart showing the pathway to developing the Onshore Wind Sector Deal.

2.4.6. The direction and content of the Sector Deal will be led by the Onshore Wind SLG, which, as a partnership between industry, government and interested stakeholders, is best placed to ensure all views are considered and balanced.

2.4.7. However, any future sector deal should reflect Scottish Government ambitions around supply chain, skills, increased deployment of onshore wind, community benefits and shared ownership, and positive biodiversity outcomes. It is crucial that the principles of a just transition are actively applied across the sector and that the benefits of the increased deployment of onshore wind are felt by all of Scotland's citizens, especially in the communities that host developments.

2.4.8. The Scottish Government will work with colleagues in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on the development and delivery of this Sector Deal and will continue to urge the UK Government to ensure that UK policy and support frameworks act in support of our ambitions.

2.5. Diversity in the sector

2.5.1. Scotland's onshore wind industry must reflect the diversity of the Scottish population and maximise the available skills, ensuring the right people are in the right jobs, regardless of background.

2.5.2. Everyone should have equality of opportunity and work in an environment free from unfair discrimination. The Scottish Government strongly encourage members of industry to reflect this in their working practices.

2.5.3. As an example of the significant work still to be done, in 2015, Powerful Women presented a challenging target to the UK energy sector for "40% of middle management and 30% of executive board positions to be held by women by 2030." However, in their 2022 Annual State of the Nation report, only 15% of executive director positions were held by women*, showing how far we still have to go.

*We do not have disaggregated data for companies based in Scotland but consider the picture is likely to be similar in the Scottish sector.

2.5.4. We are also aware that the UK Offshore Sector Deal challenges the offshore wind sector to achieve a workforce that is 33% female by 2030 (with a stretch target of 40%) and improves representation from minority ethnic groups to 9% (with a stretch target of 12%). The Scottish Government expect these issues to be considered accordingly in an onshore wind sector deal.



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