
Onshore wind policy statement: consultation paper

Statement reaffirming Scottish Government's existing onshore wind policy and seeking views on issues relating to supporting the sector.

9. Summary of questions

The Onshore Wind Policy Statement is an accompanying document to the consultation on the draft Scottish Energy Strategy. In order to recognise the importance of onshore wind to the Strategy the Statement reaffirms existing Scottish Government's onshore wind policy set out in previous publications and seeks views on a number of issues related to supporting the sector going forward.

Route to Market


What is your view on the appropriate approach for the inclusion of wind farm efficiency as a material consideration in the Section 36 consents guidance?


In this chapter, the Scottish Government has identified three areas of activity where it can offer support to a route to market for onshore wind - do you agree with the issues identified?


How can the Scottish Government, with the powers available to it, further facilitate a route to market for onshore wind?



Do you agree with the Scottish Government's proposed approach to repowering?


Are there any further means by which repowering proposals might be facilitated?

Developing a strategic approach to new development


Do you agree or disagree with the proposals to pursue option 3, a 'locally co-ordinated approach'? Please provide reasons to support your answer.


Do you agree or disagree with continuation of the Scottish Government's 'business as usual' approach (option 4)? Please provide reasons to support your answer.

Barriers to deployment


Do you agree with the Scottish Government proposal to facilitate a strategic approach to the access to, and the cost of using, data from civil aviation radar to mitigate impacts of wind development on civil aviation operations?


Do you agree with the Scottish Government proposal that the exclusion zone round the Eskdalemuir array should be set at 15 km?

Protection for residents and the environment.


Do you have any comments regarding our Peatland Policy Statement and the functionality and role of the carbon calculator?

Community benefits


Are our Good Practice Principles for community benefits from onshore renewable energy developments doing what they set out to achieve?


Are packages of community benefits that were agreed in partnership with communities, being delivered in practice?

Shared ownership


If you represent, or are a member of, a community, are you interested in shared ownership and what do you think are the barriers to achieving shared ownership under a renewable energy scheme?


What steps can the Scottish Government take to improve the prospect of further shared ownership development?


Email: Debbie Kessell

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