Onshore wind sector deal

The onshore wind sector deal sets out commitments from the Scottish Government and the onshore wind industry to deliver upon our collective ambition of 20 GW of onshore wind in Scotland by 2030 whilst delivering maximum benefit to Scotland.

Abbreviations and Glossary

AMB - Aviation Management Board

ANSP - Air Navigation Service Provider

AvLi[1] - Aviation Lighting Working Group

CfD[2] - Contracts for Difference

CWIC[3] - Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity – a Scottish industry-led initiative to increase the use of remanufactured components in the wind sector and to address barriers to achieving materials circularity in wind energy

CNS - Communication, navigation and surveillance technologies deployed to mitigate aviation impacts

DPEA - Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (Scottish Government)

EA - Enterprise agencies, including Highland and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, and South of Scotland Enterprise

ECU - Energy Consents Unit (Scottish Government)

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

EIAR - Environmental Impact Assessment Report

EKA - Eskdalemuir Seismic Array

FSO[4] - Future System Operator

HOPS[5] - Heads of Planning Scotland

IFP - Instrument Flight Procedures

MOD - Ministry of Defence

NPF4 - National Planning Framework 4

O&M - Operations and Maintenance – activities undertaken to service, maintain, and repair operational wind turbines

OEM - Original equipment manufacturers - principally the wind turbine manufacturers

OnWARD 2030[6] - Industry led Onshore Wind Aviation Radar Delivery 2030 Group

OnWPS[7] - Onshore Wind Policy Statement published by the Scottish Government

OPITO[8] - A global, not-for-profit, skills body for the energy industry

PAs - Planning authorities - including local government planning authorities and Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit

S36[9] - Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989, used by the ECU to determine applications for wind farms of greater than 50 MW

S36C - Section 36C – the process for assessing variations to S36 consents

SEPA - Scottish Environment Protection Agency

SIM[10] - Strategic Investment Model being used to coordinate strategic investment in offshore wind supply chain and infrastructure in Scotland

SLG[11] - Strategic Leadership Group

SME - Small and medium sized enterprises

SOWEC[12] - Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council

SOWSD - Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal – this document

SR[13] - Scottish Renewables – renewable energy industry trade association in Scotland

Statutory Consultees - Government agencies that act as statutory consultees on all consent applications that includes NatureScot, Historic Environment Scotland, Planning Authorities, and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

SG - The Scottish Government

“The Sector” - The Scottish onshore wind sector

“The Government” - The Scottish Government


Email: OnshoreWindPolicy@gov.scot

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