
Open Government action plan 2021 to 2025 - commitment 2: health and social care

Overview of the health and social care commitment, including milestones and their co-creation process, alongside progress reports submitted throughout the action plan.

Progress to August 2022

Milestone: To identify the necessary skills and experience required by a person centred design team to drive forward our action plan. Recruit, induct and train the above individuals.

Hire and on-board a person centred design team (start August 2021 – end January 2022)

Update and next steps

All posts as noted in the action plan were recruited.



Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

To establish a civil society group to work with Scottish Government officials over the period of the action plan to review work that is undertaken, feedback on progress and ensure actions are progressed as intended (winter 2021/22). We will work with partners to agree the group’s terms of reference and continue to keep the group up to date on developments and changes as the design work taking place across the Health and Social Care Programmes progresses

Update and next steps

This remains active and membership is being updating at present. There is work commencing to establish roles, responsibilities and membership of the working group going forward.

We are working to ensure there is clarity on the added value and connection between this group and groups being established by policy teams and the Panels being set up by the Office of the Chief Designer.

We are making connections to relevant policy teams or via the participation commitment where civil society members wish to explore approaches to involvement beyond the co-design work.



Milestone: To develop a programme of work that systematically embeds good practice and the principles of co-design across the re-design of services and work, to support recovery from the pandemic in health and social care. The Principles of co-design that will guide service design across health and care service work are as follows

Review relevant good practice that has already been undertaken on this subject to learn lessons from existing and previous work.

Update and next steps

We are ensuring awareness of participation work the Office of the Chief Designer is delivering to meet the Open Government Partnership commitment. This is being shared through various channels including with the civil society network group.



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