
Open Government action plan 2021 to 2025 - commitment 2: health and social care

Overview of the health and social care commitment, including milestones and their co-creation process, alongside progress reports submitted throughout the action plan.

Progress to November 2022

Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

Relationship building - civic society and Scottish Government co-leads

Update and next steps

Time has been spent building an understanding of our roles, priorities and actions. In this period co-leads have met periodically one to one to discuss ways of working. This will continue as we co-lead on this Commitment to ensure it is a genuine partnership between Scottish Government and civic society.


On schedule.

Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

Relationship building - co-leads and co-design team

Update and next steps

Rachel Dowle, Head of Content Design and Strategy, was invited to present to the civic society group on 1 September to raise awareness of co-design and plans for a Design School. This was followed up with a meeting with Health and Social Care co-leads to discuss shared priorities.


On schedule.

Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

Relationship building - co-leads and Participation Commitment co-leads

Update and next steps

Health and social care co-leads met with the Participation leads (civic society members sent apologies) to discuss synergies. A survey being led by Participation leads is to be shared with Health and Social Care leads for information and interest. This survey is capturing information on engagement and participation activity across Scottish Government.


On schedule.

Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

Connecting with the third sector Health and Social Care Collaborative.

Update and next steps

Our civic society co-lead is a member of the Health and Social Care Collaborative, which includes members from national third sector intermediary organisations and TSI representatives engaged in Health and Social Care work. The Open Government Partnership is now a standing agenda item, allowing a two-way exchange of information on the progress of the commitment.


On schedule.

Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

Raising awareness of co-design among civic society members.

Update and next steps

The civic society group met on 1 September where a presentation and discussion on co-design was the main agenda item.


On schedule.

Milestone: To ensure that we deliver a high quality programme of work that embeds person centred user-design, and that ensures we are held accountable to the commitment made we will invite civil society to work with us through the stages of the action plan’s implementation.

Establishing milestones for progressing the commitment.

Update and next steps

Co-leads are working together to look at ways to involve the wider civic society group in agreeing milestones. Progress slowed due to important work to build relationships and connections.


In progress.

Milestone: To develop a programme of work that systematically embeds good practice and the principles of co-design across the re-design of services and work, to support recovery from the pandemic in health and social care. The Principles of co-design that will guide service design across health and care service work are as follows

Planning around future monitoring and evaluation of co-design work.

Update and next steps

Connection has been made with Analytical Services colleagues in Scottish Government that are scoping an approach to monitoring and evaluation of co-design activity. The commmitment is exploring routes into this work and possible ways to support it as it rolls out.


On schedule.

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