Open Government action plan 2021 to 2025 - commitment 4: climate change
Overview of the climate change commitment, including milestones and their co-creation process, alongside progress reports submitted throughout the action plan.
Progress to December 2024
Commitment 4: climate change
Deliver six monthly network meetings (February and August).
Progress and next steps
Plan: Bi-annual member meetings to offer discussion, reviews, feedback on previous six months and a forward-look of the next six months.
Success criteria: Participation from at least 50% of the network membership across a range of interests (monitored by attendance and feedback after meeting).
Update: First meeting was held on 22 February with input from Climate Adaptation colleagues. The next meeting is planned for 10 December.
Success criteria: Ability to use the meetings for continuous improvement purposes. Six monthly meetings suggested but members will give feedback on frequency.
Update: The purpose of the first members meeting was to re-affirm Scottish Government’s commitment to CPEN and to discuss how members can make the best use of CPEN.
Success criteria: Co-creation of milestones and TOR by wider CPEN membership where feedback is sought.
Update: Members were asked to provide feedback via Jamboard on:
- what their expectations are of CPEN
- what they would like to get out of it
- how CPEN could support their engagement with Scottish Government and their expectations of other members of CPEN.
These have been integrated into the milestones and will be used to update the network’s terms of reference.
On schedule.
Ensure a robust network.
Progress and next steps
Plan: Continually evaluate the progress and success of the network, prioritising listening to member feedback, ensure continued engagement, relevancy and SG/members’ satisfaction with the network’s functions.
Success criteria: Representativeness of the network, including coverage of climate/non-climate sectors, and demographics/protected characteristics (monitored through the digital platform and annual member survey).
Update: Current membership has a wide reach, covering both climate and non-climate organisations, and different geographies and demographics of Scotland. Member organisations includes representatives from the public sector, equality groups, community organisations, academia and more. Monitoring of membership is ongoing.
Success criteria: Members have reported an overall positive satisfaction with their ability to engage and influence. This has been monitored through annual member survey, as well as members posting on CPEN.
Update: The membership is keen to engage and there was reasonable attendance at the members meeting (27 members). A members survey was also circulated after the meeting, however there was no engagement with this.
Members relayed at the meeting that they would be keen to hear from other members. Discussions are ongoing into whether this should be left to develop naturally.
On schedule.
Develop opportunities for CPEN members to contribute to the Scottish Government’s wider climate change policy development.
Progress and next steps
Plan: SG team to present opportunities for members to advise on engagement activity across DG Net Zero, members to opt in to opportunities where they see their advice relevant.
Success criteria: Broad involvement of Scottish Government officials and at least 3 engagement opportunities from this across at least 3 policy areas.
Update: Climate Change Adaptation, and Water and Wastewater and Flooding policy teams, have engaged with CPEN members on impact assessments. Following an ask from members to make sure feedback is given on how their contribution will be used, a post was shared on CPEN to provide this feedback.
The team have presented to the Deputy Director for the Domestic Climate Change Division (DCCD) on opportunities and challenges associated with CPEN. CPEN was then raised at a Deputy Director meeting to raise awareness of the network at a senior leadership level across government. The team have also sent an email to all Director General Net Zero and climate related policy areas to disseminate an ask template for using the network and to explain the benefits of using the network. This has been reissued by the Deputy Director for DCCD. More opportunities for CPEN members to engage on climate policy and engagement plans are likely to be achieved through this.
Scottish Government’s Circular Economy team also used the network to consult members of the Disposable Cups Levy on 21 September.
We are continuing to develop a stronger pipeline for CPEN engagement opportunities internally, including those at an earlier pre-consultation stage of policy development.
On schedule.
Develop opportunities for CPEN members to contribute to Scottish Government Just Transition Plans.
Progress and next steps
Plan: SG team to present opportunities for members to advise on engagement activity for Just Transition Plans (JTPs), members to opt in to opportunities where they see their advice relevant.
Success criteria: At least 4 opportunities for network members to opt in to advise on JTP engagement activity (monitored through digital platform).
Update: 6 opportunities have been offered to members to advise on the upcoming JTPs using the JTP discussion papers. Engagement activity covered place-based engagement, business and public sector, and industry-specific engagement sessions.
Engagement on these sessions were held with members on 24 September; members offered feedback on Just Transition Unit engagement plans, including consultation questions.
Success criteria: At least 10 members to advise on each opportunity (monitored through digital platform).
Update: More than 10 stakeholders advised on each opportunity, although the engagement activity was usually open to audiences outside the Network too. It has not been determined how many network members advised on each opportunity.
Success criteria: Feedback will be provided to the network on the outcomes of their involvement at the end of engagement activity (monitored through digital platform).
Update: Feedback and thanks were delivered by the Just Transition Unit to members following their engagement on the Transport Just Transition Plan.
On schedule.
Develop opportunities for CPEN members to contribute to the Scottish Government Climate Change Plan.
(Please note, SG announced a delay to the draft CCP publication in November 2023. SG will resume stakeholder engagement on the CCP in due course).
Progress and next steps
Plan: SG team to present opportunities for members to advise on engagement activity for the Climate Change Plan (CCP), members to opt in to opportunities where they see their advice relevant.
Success criteria: At least 4 opportunities for network members to opt in to advise on CCP engagement activity (monitored through digital platform).
Update: Members were made aware of the delay to the CCP at the members meeting and this was included in the minute of the meeting which was posted on CPEN.
DCCD officials have identified CPEN as a key CCP stakeholder network. CPEN will offer regular updates on policy developments as a result.
Success criteria: At least 10 members advise on each opportunity (monitored through digital platform).
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