
Open Government Action Plan commitment 5: transparency in exiting the EU

Progress reports on our commitment to be open and share information about the UK's exit from the EU, as part of our open government action plan.

Commitment overview

The problem 

From discussions with people in Scotland, there is a belief that the public do not trust information surrounding Brexit. There is a wide range of conflicting information about the possible terms of the UK’s future relationship with the EU, and what this means for people and businesses in Scotland and the EU and other EU nationals living in Scotland.

Since the UK-wide vote to leave the European Union in 2016, the UK, as the member state negotiating with the EU, has not provided objective information on the process, outcomes and possible implications of leaving the European Union.

What we're doing 

We are committed to:

  • publishing information on the possible impact of Brexit and the actual effects of Brexit as they happen;
  • publishing results of any research and analysis we commission, where possible;
  • supporting and encouraging people and communities to get involved so we can hear your views and you can understand the information, implications and effects of the decisions taken by the UK Government;
  • making public our preferred approach to leaving the European Union, and the evidence that supports that approach; and
  • involving stakeholders, including the Scottish Parliament, as we continue to assess the negotiations to leave the EU and the implications of the outcomes for Scotland, and take people’s views into account in our response.

We have already published several papers on Brexit. All our publications relating to Brexit are here.

How that will help

Listening to stakeholders and the public across Scotland and involving them will help policy-makers understand the implications of Brexit, so they can help protect what matters to people in Scotland.


How we're doing

Work envisaged at the outset of the project has been completed.  Given the nature of Brexit, with a high degree of uncertainty and new developments emerging constantly, some new activities have been delivered during the timescale of the project.   The overall approach was set out in this blog.

What's next



Commitment Status
1 To enage with citizens and interest groups in the run up to Brexit, across Scotland 🙂 On Track (original activities completed)
2 To engage rural communities and work with Scottish Rural Parliament and potentially others, to deliver a discussion on the impacts of Brexit on rural communities ✔ Complete
3 To work with Children in Scotland to deliver a young people's advisory panel on Brexit and MyLifeMySay to deliver Brexit Cafes for young people to understand their concerns and views on the future UK-EU relationship, with a report due for publication in Spring 2019 🙂 On Track (original activities completed)

As set out in the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government, we are making provision for a service that will provide practical advice, information and support for EU citizens in Scotland. We envisage a service that will improve awareness and understanding of rights, entitlements and requirements, and we will set out more details of the service in the coming weeks.

We will make provision for an advice and support service for those 235,000 EU citizens resident in Scotland. This will seek to offer information on the new settled status scheme and provide support to EU citizens in understanding the impact Brexit will have on them

✔ Complete
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