
Open Government Partnership Reporting Mechanism Working Group minutes: February 2021

Minutes from the meeting of the Scottish Government group on 1 February 2021

Attendees and apologies


Daren Fitzhenry (Chair), Scottish Information Commissioner

Erin Gray, Head of Policy and Information, Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner

Doreen Grove, Head of Open Government, Scottish Government

Saskia Kearns, OGP Commitment 4 Lead, Scottish Government

Jillian Matthew, Performance Audit & Best Value, Audit Scotland

Kelly McBride, Director Scotland, Democratic Society (Apologies)

Alex Stobart, Director Scotland, Mydex CIC (Apologies)


Madeleine Fleming, Open Government, Scottish Government

Items and actions


Welcoming the group, the chair set out the purpose of this meeting; to review the draft report and agree alterations to produce the final report.

Minutes and actions

There were no further comments on minutes, with actions from the previous meeting all complete.

Review report draft sections and agree approach for each

The group reviewed each section of the draft paper, responding to suggestions from members.

The group agreed that they would present the “IRM plus” option as the recommendation of the working group.

Actions/next steps

The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner (OSIC) undertook to complete final edits to the report, and present this at the Open Government Partnership Steering Group meeting on 23 February. The group agreed to provide any final inputs on the report or its options to OSIC before this time.

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