Superfast and gigabit broadband infrastructure - Open Market Review: request for information

We are developing a procurement approach for funding contracts to suppliers delivering gigabit-capable wholesale infrastructure in Scotland. This Open Market Review will be used to produce a draft intervention area that may be targeted for public intervention.

7. Submission Requirements

Responses to this OMR RFI must include the following:

1. A data submission that should cover suppliers current and planned premise coverage (i.e. premises served their network, or planned to be served by their network) as per the format outlined in Annex B;

  • The required data templates will be provided through the secure file transfer portal.
  • Suppliers must include all current and planned coverage in the template files.
  • Additional guidance can be provided to suppliers if required, please contact for support.

2. A completed Supporting Evidence template, which must include a response to the questions outlined in Annex C.

3. We would also like to hear from suppliers their views as to the types of wholesale access products they would like to see offered on any newly created subsidised network infrastructure. This information may inform the intervention design. Please note that we are not obliged to include these products in the invitation to tender.

Note that where suppliers coverage claims are for gigabit-capable networks, then the response detailing their proposed network design and architecture must consider the technical definition as outlined in Annex D.



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