Superfast, ultrafast and gigabit capable broadband infrastructure - Open Market Review: request for information - January 2025

An Open Market Review into current and planned broadband infrastructure across Scotland. The outcome will support the planning and prioritisation of public interventions and minimise the risk of disrupting commercial plans. Data collected will inform both R100 and Project Gigabit in Scotland.

10. Submission requirements

Responses to this OMR RFI must include the following:

  1. A data submission that covers your current and planned premises coverage (i.e. premises served by your network, or planned to be served by your network) at UPRN level as per the format outlined in Annex B:
  • please include all current and planned premises coverage within the geographic scope of this OMR i.e. Scotland
  • please include any existing or planned infrastructure you have gained with assistance from government subsidy for example, vouchers, Superfast (NBS 2012 or NBS 2016), GIS, LFFN, RGC and GigaHubs
  • additional guidance can be provided to suppliers if required, please contact for support
  1. An up to date Supporting Evidence Pack Please note that the OMR process will involve ongoing resource commitments from respondents following initial data and evidence submissions at certain intervals in the process. Where additional clarification requests are raised, respondents should ensure adequate resources are in place to meet clarification deadlines. Responses received after these clarification deadlines may not be considered within the evaluation window for this OMR. In addition, without refreshed evidence, there is no guarantee that the evaluators will return the same determination as they may have reached previously. As such, if you do not provide updates to your supporting evidence or data, or do not respond to Clarification Questions (CQs), this may affect the assessment outcome.
  1. The Scottish Government would also like to hear from operators their views as to the types of wholesale access products they would like to see offered on any newly created subsidised network infrastructure. This information may inform the intervention design. Please note that we are not obliged to include these products in the invitation to tender.

Note that where your coverage claims are for gigabit-capable networks, then your response detailing your proposed network design and architecture must consider the technical definition as outlined in Annex D.



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