Superfast, ultrafast and gigabit capable broadband infrastructure - Open Market Review: request for information - January 2025

An Open Market Review into current and planned broadband infrastructure across Scotland. The outcome will support the planning and prioritisation of public interventions and minimise the risk of disrupting commercial plans. Data collected will inform both R100 and Project Gigabit in Scotland.

5. Key eligibility requirements for subsidy

The outcome of this OMR will be shown in terms of White, Grey, Black and Under Review premises. We will only subsidise build to premises which have been designated as White.

  • White - indicates premises with no gigabit network infrastructure and none is likely to be developed within 3 years. Annex D provides information on the technology ‘qualifying’ as gigabit-capable
  • Grey - indicates premises where a qualifying gigabit infrastructure from a single supplier is available, or is to be deployed within the coming 3 years
  • Black - indicates premises with two or more qualifying gigabit infrastructures from different suppliers being available, or will be deployed within the coming 3 years
  • Under Review - indicates premises where suppliers have reported current or planned commercial broadband coverage, but where claimed current gigabit coverage has not been verified, or, in respect of planned build, where evaluators are confident that gigabit infrastructure will be delivered, but some risks to delivery remain, or there are some gaps in evidence.

Premises categorised as Under Review will be subject to continued monitoring and verification of supplier plans within the three-year period by the Scottish Government. We may request commitment from the supplier that significant progress is made within three years. If these commercial plans fall away, the premises will be mapped as eligible and form part of the proposed IAs and so eligible for intervention via this aid measure. We request that suppliers inform us regarding all plans, including plans beyond the initial three-year period.

The Scottish Government classifies premises on the basis of their existing or planned broadband infrastructure, as set out in Annex C and D. The OMR data analysis of suppliers’ broadband coverage claims is undertaken at UPRN level.

Further guidance on Subsidy Control for the Gigabit Infrastructure Scheme is available on the UK Government website.[4]



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