Superfast, ultrafast and gigabit capable broadband infrastructure - Open Market Review: request for information - January 2025

An Open Market Review into current and planned broadband infrastructure across Scotland. The outcome will support the planning and prioritisation of public interventions and minimise the risk of disrupting commercial plans. Data collected will inform both R100 and Project Gigabit in Scotland.

9. Making a data response

To submit a data response, please follow the steps below, as well as referring to the guidance provided in Annex B:

  • If you require the Scottish Government to supply a UPRN list for your coverage area, please first request and sign the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) Contractor Licence, which will be required before downloading the data. Please return this, as soon as possible to
  • Once you have done this, we will provide you with login details to our portal where you will be able to download the UPRN files.
  • If you have already signed a PSGA with the Scottish Government through previous OMRs / PRs, there is no need to send this through again.
  • You may seek clarification on making a data response up to the submission deadline of 24 February 2025. Please send these questions to us at
  • You should make your data submission to us via the portal ensuring that the fields contained exactly match the name and order of those contained within the UPRN files. Additional fields are permitted, however these should be included at the end of the data file submitted.
  • Please do not assume that we will use a previous OMR/PR submission for this OMR RFI. If you have previously responded to an OMR RFI and wish for a previous OMR submission to be treated as your return for this RFI, please confirm this in writing at:
  • Please include all current and planned superfast, ultrafast and gigabit-capable premises within the geographic scope in Annex A.
  • Please provide any existing or planned infrastructure you have gained with assistance from government subsidy for example, vouchers, Superfast (NBS 2012 or NBS 2016), GIS, LFFN, RGC and GigaHubs.

Please note that the data you provide in your response will be treated as commercially confidential, albeit that it may be necessary to share some/all of your response data with our professional advisors and/or UK Government.

Please ensure that you engage with us as soon as possible to confirm whether you would require an NDA in advance of sharing data as part of this OMR process. If you already have a signed NDA in place with the Scottish Government through previous processes, this is not required again.

It should also be noted that it is a requirement to use this information to produce maps to define White, Grey, Black and Under Review areas for gigabit-capable broadband. However, the published maps will show the anonymised and aggregated White, Grey, Black and Under Review broadband areas, not the data provided on a per-operator basis. The final maps and UPRNs that will be used for procurement purposes will be published via an updated PR Report. The Scottish Government also maintains a publicly available list of Subsidy Control classifications for gigabit at both postcode and UPRN level.

If you have any questions about any of the above, please contact:



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