
Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Government: operating framework

Sets out how we will work with Healthcare Improvement Scotland, including roles and responsibilities.

Performance and Financial Management

23. Financial Management and performance will be in line with legislative requirements including the Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM). The SG continues to work with HIS to establish and maintain funding to support the majority of HIS activities. HIS and SG will mutually agree savings and efficiency targets within the context of HIS delivery of SG priorities.

24. HIS will produce a three year strategic plan and a one year operational delivery plan setting out how it will deliver its strategy. The annual operational delivery plan will be consistent with the priorities for SG, underpinned by a robust financial and workforce plan, and requires to be submitted to SG in accordance with agreed timescales.

25. SG will respond formally with comments and the plan will be agreed by end March each year between the SG sponsor unit and HIS and be approved by the HIS Board. The plan will be published by HIS.

26. The Annual Review (whether Ministerial or non-Ministerial) will be the focal point for the public accountability of delivery of the previous financial year. HIS will provide SG their self-assessment prior to the review. The SG will formally write to HIS following the Annual Review setting out the key areas covered and agreed actions. HIS will publish this letter.

27. From time to time, SG may request new and/or a change in activities to be undertaken, including ad-hoc investigations. All such requests must be routed through the sponsor unit and accompanied by a formal commissioning letter setting out the background, the terms of the request, the purpose, and the timeline for undertaking the work.

28. HIS will consider the request and in discussion with SG propose its response to the commission. This will be followed with formal terms of reference for the initiative which will be agreed in advance of the work commencing. Funding arrangements for new and/or a change in activities will also be agreed between SG and HIS at the time of the commission.



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