
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2012-13

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2013. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2013 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.

Table 8c

Action taken by local authorities for applicants assessed as homeless (priority or non-priority), by year of case closure

2011-12 2012-13
Priority homeless Non-priority homeless All homeless Priority homeless Non-priority homeless All homeless
Action taken by local authority Number Number Number Number
Social rented tenancy offered: accepted 18,240 155 18,395 16,934 118 17,052
Social rented tenancy offered: not accepted 2,567 40 2,607 1,940 20 1,960
Social rented tenancy offered 20,807 195 21,002 18,874 138 19,012
Private tenancy offered: accepted 1,130 286 1,416 1,135 168 1,303
Private tenancy offered: not accepted 17 4 21 17 3 20
Private tenancy offered 1,147 290 1,437 1,152 171 1,323
Temporary accommodation offered: accepted 1,575 653 2,228 1,374 323 1,697
Temporary accommodation offered: not accepted 514 517 1,031 316 209 525
Temporary accommodation offered 2,089 1,170 3,259 1,690 532 2,222
Referred to other LA 230 2 232 200 0 200
Advice and assistance 1,132 1,127 2,259 1,013 585 1,598
Other 4,035 209 4,244 3,845 81 3,926
Total 29,440 2,993 32,433 26,774 1,507 28,281

Notes:- Priority and non-priority homeless include applicants assessed as threatened with homelessness
This table includes cases closed which had been assessed as homeless or threatened with homlessness, and where contact had been maintained to duty discharge.


Email: Housing Access and Support Statistics

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