
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2012-13

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2013. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2013 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.

Table 9

Applicants assessed as homeless with whom contact was lost after assessment, by year of case closure

Priority homeless or threatened Non-priority homeless or threatened All homeless
All priority
Contact lost All non-priority
Contact lost All homeless Contact lost
Number Number % Number Number % Number Number %
2002-03 24,847 4,057 16.3 10,111 914 9.0 34,958 4,971 14.2
2003-04 27,827 3,939 14.2 10,810 1,093 10.1 38,637 5,032 13.0
2004-05 29,002 5,950 20.5 10,174 1,628 16.0 39,176 7,578 19.3
2005-06 31,654 5,945 18.8 10,608 1,607 15.1 42,262 7,552 17.9
2006-07 31,393 5,866 18.7 9,969 1,574 15.8 41,362 7,440 18.0
2007-08 30,284 5,642 18.6 8,426 1,338 15.9 38,710 6,980 18.0
2008-09 33,603 5,512 16.4 7,154 1,088 15.2 40,757 6,600 16.2
2009-10 35,581 4,886 13.7 6,454 671 10.4 42,035 5,557 13.2
2010-11 35,636 5,150 14.5 5,377 531 9.9 41,013 5,681 13.9
2011-12 34,272 4,832 14.1 3,343 350 10.5 37,615 5,182 13.8
2012-13 31,141 4,367 14.0 1,690 183 10.8 32,831 4,550 13.9

Notes:- Priority and non-priority homeless include applicants assessed as threatened with homelessness


Email: Housing Access and Support Statistics

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