
The Opportunities and Challenges of the Changing Public Services Landscape for the Third Sector in Scotland: A Longitudinal Study Year Three Report (2009-2012)

The report provides findings from the the first three years of a qualitative longitudinal study on the third sector in Scotland


BME - Black and Minority Ethnic groups

CPPs - Community Planning Partnerships

COSLA - Convention of Local Government Authorities is the representative voice of Scottish local government and also acts as the employers' association on behalf of all Scottish councils.

Costed Service Delivery Plan - A formal plan (sometimes in the form of a tender or bid document) providing a detailed breakdown of services to be provided, how these will be provided and how much this will cost.

Direct payments - are local council payments available for anyone who has been assessed as needing help from social services. You can normally get them if you are a carer aged 16 or over.

ESF - European Social Fund

LA - Local Authority

HMIE - Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education

HGIOCL2 - How Good is Our Community Learning and Development - is a self-evaluation tool using quality measures.

HR - Human Resources

Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) - Jobseeker's Allowance is the main benefit for people of working age who are out of work or work less than 16 hours a week on average. It is paid to those looking for work.

NHS - National Health Service

NPF - National Performance Framework - Set of national performance targets for Scotland set up by the Scottish Government.

NFF - New Futures Fund was a fund which aimed to assist the most disadvantaged target client groups, furthest removed from the labour market, to develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and attributes they need to acquire to be more employable. From April 2006, future responsibility for developing and delivering New Futures Fund (NFF) type services were transferred from Scottish Enterprise to local Community Planning Partnerships.

Outcome-based payment or Payment by results - payments based on agreed and specified outcomes recorded, e.g. number of clients into employment etc.

Rickter Scale - a complete assessment and action planning process based around a hand-held interactive board, which is designed specifically to measure soft indicators and distance travelled.

SCVO - Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

SOAs - Single Outcome Agreements

SOLACE (Scotland) - Scottish Branch of Society of Local Authority Chief Executives & Senior Managers

SME - Small to medium sized enterprise

SROI - Social Return on Investment

TSO - Third Sector Organisation

Tie-in Services - Additional services that can be access by clients in order to support the existing service being provided.

Weavers Triangle - The 'Weaver's Triangle' is a personal development tool aimed at helping clients set out what they want to achieve and the activities that they need to do to bring these about.


Email: Carol Brown

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