
Options to increase mother and baby unit capacity: consultation analysis

An analysis of the responses to the consultation on options to increase the capacity to provide treatment at mother and baby units in Scotland. Mother and baby units provide inpatient care for women and their infants experiencing severe perinatal mental health difficulties.

Appendix 1: Respondent Groupings 

Table A: Organisations
Number  %
Health and Social Care Partnership  4 2
NHS / Health Board 6 3
Professional Body / Association 3 1
Third Sector 3 1
Total organisations 16 7
Table B: Individuals: Experience
Number  %
Woman with lived experience of mental health problems in pregnancy or after childbirth who received care and treatment in an MBU (service user) 14 6
Woman with lived experience of mental health problems in pregnancy or after childbirth who received care and treatment in a general adult mental health inpatient ward (service user) 4 2
Woman with lived experience of mental health problems in pregnancy or after childbirth who received care and treatment in the community from their GP, mental health service or other health professional including third sector services (service user) 65 28
Woman with lived experience of mental health problems in pregnancy or after childbirth who did not access treatment or services 28 12
Family member of a woman with lived experience of mental health problems in pregnancy or after childbirth (service user) 13 6
Clinician MBU care 5 2
Clinician general mental health inpatient care  1 *
Clinician perinatal mental health community team care  12 5
Clinician general mental health team care 4 2
Clinician primary care 5 2
Clinician maternity / neonatal care 20 8
Clinician (other) 12 5
Member of the public with no lived experience of mental health problems in pregnancy or after childbirth 16 7
Other 14 6
Not answered 9 4
Total individuals 220 ** 100

* denotes less than 1%; ** may not add to 220 as respondents could choose more than one category

Table C: Individuals: Age / Health Board Area Lived in
Number  %
Under 24 9 4
25 – 34  70 32
35 – 44  83 38
45 – 54  34 15
55+ 21 10
Prefer not to say / not answered 3 1
Total individuals 220 100
Health Board area    
Ayrshire & Arran 5 2
Borders 1 *
Dumfries & Galloway 1 *
Lothian 7 3
Fife 1 *
Forth Valley 4 2
Grampian 118 54
Greater Glasgow & Clyde 15 7
Highland 32 15
Lanarkshire 5 2
Orkney - -
Shetland - -
Tayside 19 9
Western Isles - -
Not provided / outwith Scotland 12 5
Total individuals 220 99 **

* denotes less than ½%; ** figures do not add to 100% due to rounding.



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