
Organic Ambitions: Scotland's organic action plan 2016-2020

Developed by industry in close co-operation with the Scottish Government, the plan reflects the shared agenda for the sector.

Appendix ii: The Scottish Organic Forum

What is the Scottish Organic Forum?

The Scottish Organic Forum ( SOF) is an industry-led body whose key objective is to strengthen and promote Scotland's organic food and drink supply chain through collaboration. The SOF meets quarterly.

Current members of the SOF: Soil Association Scotland, Scottish Organic Producers Association, Organic Growers Alliance, Caledonian Organics, Scottish Organic Milk Producers Association, Scotland's Rural College, SAC Consulting and the Scottish Government.

The views and priorities represented in the plan are those of the organisations and individuals who took part in the consultation and do not necessarily reflect the views and priorities of any of the member organisations of SOF.


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