
Organic Ambitions: Scotland's organic action plan 2016-2020

Developed by industry in close co-operation with the Scottish Government, the plan reflects the shared agenda for the sector.

Organic Ambitions - Our Vision for 2020

A vibrant, successful, sustainable, world-renowned Scottish organic food and farming sector

An increasing number of Scottish organic farms, smallholdings, and related businesses will produce accessible, environmentally sustainable organic food, drink, textiles, and other organic products for local, UK, EU and international markets. People all over the world will equate Scottish organic food and farming with high economic, environmental and social value, boosting national demand and exports from Scotland. Scottish organic food will form an increasing proportion of food in hospitals, schools, nursing homes and prisons. It will be available for everyone to access through all types of retailers and in cafes, restaurants and hotels. People of all ages and backgrounds will visit Scottish organic farms, deepening their connection with and understanding of organic food and its production.

The Scottish organic sector will be made up of businesses that are profitable, with fair wages and good working conditions for all. They will have access to excellent market intelligence to inform decision making. The Scottish organic sector will benefit from strong, shared, marketing initiatives. It will reap the rewards of working cooperatively, with economies of scale leading to increased resource use-efficiency and reduced risk especially in transport and processing. Investment in infrastructure throughout the Scottish supply chain will boost profitability and growth capacity. Barriers to entry and expansion within the Scottish organic sector will be reduced, adding critical mass and capacity. Increasing numbers of strong routes to market will facilitate growth.

Those working in, or wishing to enter the Scottish organic sector will have high levels of skills and knowledge about all aspects of their business. They will be supported by world class, specialist organic advisors, and have ready access to relevant and current knowledge. The universities and research institutes of Scotland will work together with producers and processors to address the key challenges faced by the Scottish organic sector, to release untapped yield potential in organic systems and to stimulate innovation. There will be a high level of engagement in producer-led research. Colleges, universities and third parties will provide training and employment schemes to keep skill levels high and bring fresh people into the organic sector.

Scottish organic farming will further improve its ability to conserve and enhance the natural capital of Scotland as organic farmers learn more about the impact of their work on biodiversity, soil, air and water, and modify their activity in response to research findings. In turn, the conservation and enhancement of natural capital will build a more resilient food system for Scotland and conserve an environment for future generations. An increase in the proportion of land managed organically in Scotland will ultimately help to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Scotland's organic farmers will be recognised for these services and will be fairly rewarded for the biodiversity, environmental and social benefits that they deliver.


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