
Organic Ambitions: Scotland's organic action plan 2016-2020

Developed by industry in close co-operation with the Scottish Government, the plan reflects the shared agenda for the sector.

Steps to Achieve Organic Ambitions

  • Step one - in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, identify key challenges to the development of Scottish organic food and farming, and devise appropriate actions to address these challenges - COMPLETED

This step has been led by the Scottish Organic Forum (details in appendices i and ii), and the results are described in this document.

  • Step two - in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders, building an implementation plan to deliver these actions , achieve the desired outcomes for Scotland, and fulfil our Vision for 2020 - BEGINS EARLY 2016

Construction of an implementation plan, and subsequent delivery of actions, will be undertaken by those who are interested in achieving the outcomes of this organic action plan. This step will involve:

a. Establishment of working groups who will develop detailed delivery plans, monitoring and evaluation procedures, and timescales for each action

b. Identification of the expertise currently available to facilitate the delivery of each action

c. Identification of the capacity (staff time and funding) currently available to achieve delivery of each action

d. Identification and utilisation of funding opportunities to support delivery through the provision of additional expertise and capacity where gaps have been identified

e. Delivery of the actions

Huntly Herbs vinegars – Huntly Express / Lynn Mcdonald


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