
Organic Ambitions: Scotland's organic action plan 2016-2020

Developed by industry in close co-operation with the Scottish Government, the plan reflects the shared agenda for the sector.

Headline Themes

The Scottish Organic Forum carried out an extensive consultation with over 700 stakeholders to produce 16 actions under four headline themes:

1. KNOWLEDGE - Increase awareness of the economic, environmental and social value of Scottish organic produce - to boost national, UK, EU and international demand and to help increase the availability of good produce for all

2. STRENGTH - Strengthen the Scottish organic supply chain - to create a stronger organic sector that uses market intelligence and cooperation to reduce risk, generate economies of scale and increase resource-use efficiency, and which has the infrastructure and critical mass to supply a growing demand

3. SKILLS - Support and develop the Scottish organic sector through transfer of knowledge, information, best practice and training opportunities - to boost productivity, profitability, innovation and competitiveness, and to ensure that there is a supply of knowledgeable, skilled people to safeguard the future growth of the organic sector

4. RESILIENCE - Strengthen the ability of organic farming to conserve and enhance the natural capital of Scotland - to increase the potential of Scotland to play its part in conservation of biodiversity and protection of the environment, and in turn to develop a more sustainable, resilient farming system for which Scotland's organic farmers are fairly rewarded


"We would all like to eat organic food - free of pesticides, better for birds, bugs and beasties, guaranteed high standards of animal welfare, no routine antibiotics and good for the soil. What's not to like? But as consumers, many of us don't know about the benefits or feel we can't afford it, and many of our farmers aren't sure there's a market or don't feel confident about converting to organic.

This ambitious plan charts a course for Scotland - like Germany, France, Denmark and many other countries - to develop a vibrant, co-operative, innovative and wealth-creating organic sector which produces excellent food while also helping Scotland meet its aspirations on climate change, biodiversity and water quality."

Pete Ritchie, Director, Nourish Scotland

"Organic agriculture has a key role to play in conserving farmland wildlife and protecting the environment. RSPB Scotland wants to see the organic sector grow and welcomes the Action Plan as a way to make this happen."

Vicki Swales, Head of Land Use Policy, RSPB Scotland

"Scottish Natural Heritage welcome this new Organic Action Plan. We believe it will help contribute to the vision of Scotland becoming a world leader in green farming. It can also help contribute to achieving some of the objectives for sustainable land management and farmland biodiversity in Scotland's Biodiversity Route Map 2020."

Claudia Rowse, Head of Rural Resources Unit, Scottish Natural Heritage


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