
Organisation responses to gender recognition consultation: Scotland H-R

Responses to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill consultation from organisations based in Scotland.

The consultation on the draft Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill closed for responses on 17 March 2020. The Scottish Government has published the analysis report of the consultation responses alongside the responses from organisations and groups, where permission was given to publish.

Responses have been moderated for material which may raise concerns about data protection, copyright, is potentially defamatory, offensive or contains reference to ongoing court cases.

All responses have been analysed and the analysis report published.

Haddington and Lammermuir SNP Branch
Hands Off Scotland
Highland Pride run by the Highland LGBT Forum
Highlands and Islands Student Association
HIV Scotland and National AIDS Trust
Howard League Scotland
Humanist Society Scotland
Labour Womens Declaration Steering Group
Law Society of Scotland
LEAP Sports Scotland
Lesbian Strength Scotland
LGBT Health and Wellbeing
LGBT plus Liberal Democrats
LGBT Youth Scotland
Lighthouse Edinburghs Radical Bookshop
Marie Curie
Men Supporting Women
Men Supporting Womens Rights
Midlothian Council
National Gender Identity Clinical Network Scotland
North Edinburgh Reformed Presbyterian Church
NUS Scotland
OurStory Scotland
Out In Edinburgh
Performance Collective Stranraer
Pink Saltire
Portobello Against Misogyny
Recyke a bike
Reformed Baptist Church Anniesland
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
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