
Organisational duty of candour procedure: first year review

Evaluation of the first year of the organisational duty of candour procedure through analysis of the annual reports that were published by NHS territorial and special boards across Scotland.

Appendix 4: Interview Topic Guide

Interview Topic Guide

1. Implementation
a. ways of implementing DofC
b. staff engagement
c. Challenges 

2. Collecting feedback
a. ways of collecting
b. changes since implementation 

3. Working with primary care providers within boards
a. Reception from providers 

4. Engaging with other DofC reports
a. Done so?
i. No – why not?
ii. Yes – helpful?

5. Working with patients & families
a. Experience since DofC came in?
b. Feedback from families?

6. Escalating incidents
a. How was this decided? 

7. Resolution/apologies
a. Experience of apologies
b. Reception by individual/families 

8. Relationship change
a. Between staff & Board
b. Between families & Board
c. Primary care providers & Board
d. Public & Board

9. Learning from incidents
a. Changes?
b. Outwith e-training

10. Training experience
a. Staff engagement?
b. Levels of understanding
c. Top-Up?

11. Experience of the procedure/checklist
a. What has changed as a result?
b. Extent procedure was followed for incidents reported?

12. Last Thoughts



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