
Out of school care - draft framework: consultation analysis

This is the summary report of the 2019 consultation on the draft framework for Out of School Care in Scotland. It will inform the final Framework and provide evidence for future development of School Age Childcare policy.


1. This group mostly consisted individuals who did not provide any other information about their status, as well as a few who could not be grouped with other categories.

2. Scottish Government (2017) A Nation with Ambition: The Government's Programme for Scotland 2017-2018. Accessed at

3. Scottish Government (2018) Every Child, Every Chance: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-2022. Accessed at

4. Scottish Government National Performance Framework, Accessible at

5. Note: Sector based disaggregation collate both individual and organisational responses, where relevant.

6. Available at:

7. Available at:

8. It should be noted that many respondents are likely to have included such services within the pre-coded options provided in addition to those who mentioned them specifically within the 'other' category.

9. More details can be found at:

10. Local and national schemes exist to re-distribute surplus food from shops and supermarkets typically to day centres and hostels for the homeless.

11. This may suggest that this was not relevant to most of those parents/carers who responded, either as they had not experienced difficulties with this, or because they did not receive benefits.

12. It should be noted that respondents were often not clear whether they were referring to qualifications in child education, or those required to work in an educational establishment, or if they simply meant out of school care staff should have be educated to a certain level.



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