Outer Hebrides Inshore Fisheries Group - Consultation on new Management Measures on Crabs and Lobster Landings into the Outer Hebrides

A consultation on management proposals for lobster, velvet crab and brown crabs landed into the Outer Hebrides. The management measures were developed by the Outer Hebrides Inshore Fisheries Group.

Consultation Questions

Do you support increasing the MLS for brown crab landed into the Outer Hebrides from 140 mm to 150 mm?

Do you support increasing the MLS of velvet crab landed into the Outer Hebrides from 65 mm to 70 mm?

Do you support increasing the MLS of lobsters landed into the Outer Hebrides from 87 mm to 88 mm for one year and then 90 mm thereafter?

Do you support decreasing the maximum landing size of female lobsters landed into the Outer Hebrides from 155 mm to 145 mm?

Do you support prohibiting the landing of 'crippled' female lobsters into the Outer Hebrides?

Should these new landing provisions also be accompanied by a restriction on carriage in the six nautical miles around the Outer Hebrides?


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