
Overcoming Barriers to Equality and Diversity Representation on Public, Private and Third Sector Boards in Scotland – Executive Summary

The Employment Research Institute was commissioned by the Scottish Government to identify how barriers to equality and diversity representation at board level in public, private and third sector organisations could be overcome, particularly for women. This is the executive summary that accompanies the main report.


1. Please note that there was limited evidence in the context of the Third Sector - discussion on this sector can be found in the main report only.

2. Women on Boards. Davies Review Annual Report 2014:

3. Women on Board. Quality through Diversity. Scottish Government Consultation on the Introduction of Gender Quotas on Public Boards. The Scottish Government:

4. Women on Board. Quality through Diversity. Scottish Government Consultation on the Introduction of Gender Quotas on Public Boards. The Scottish Government:

5. Programme for Government 2014-2015 - People's Stories:

6. Smith Commission Report:

7. UN Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW). United Kingdom's Seventh Periodic Report. June 2011:

8. Diversity in public appointments. Gov.Uk:

9. Increasing diversity on public and private boards. UK Government Equalities Office. 2009.

11. Breaking the Mould for Women Leaders: could boardroom quotas hold the key? A Fawcett Society think piece for the Gender Equality Forum. October 2008. Available at:

12. Board minimum quotas for women: Where would male gender discrimination start? Discrimination and Equality Law Committee Newsletter. June 2013. Available at:


Email: Jacqueline Rae

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