
Overview of costs and benefits associated with regulation in Scottish agriculture

Research providing an overview of the regulations in Scottish agriculture and exploring 12 case studies in further detail.

Appendix D: Large figures and tables

Figure 2.1 Impact Assessment Flowchart

Figure 2.1 Impact Assessment Flowchart (From:
preparing-impact-assessments/toolkit/page44201.html, accessed 27/6/08

Figure 2.2 Green Book guidance on selecting the appropriate valuation technique (HM Treasury 2007)

Figure 2.2 Green Book guidance on selecting the appropriate valuation technique
(HM Treasury 2007)

Box 1. Scottish Extras - additional impact assessment guidance that applies in Scotland (see:

"Scottish Extras

In addition to the processes set out in the Cabinet Office Guidance, the following particular Scottish processes also need to be carried out by Executive staff responsible for preparation of an RIA. The aims of the Cabinet Office Guidance are clear, but it will need to be interpreted in the Scottish context. The Improving Regulation unit will be happy to assist any user who has difficulty translating.

Micro Business Test Cabinet Office Guidance requires a Small Business Test to be included in every RIA but in recognition of the preponderance of very small businesses in Scotland, RIAs relating to all proposed regulations in Scotland impacting on business must give particular attention to impact upon micro businesses.

Legal Aid Impact Test

Cabinet Office Guidance requires a Legal Aid Impact Test to be included in every RIA but in recognition of the separate legal system and legal aid processes in Scotland, RIAs relating to all proposed regulations in Scotland that could give rise to increased use of legal processes or create new rights or responsibilities should give particular attention to possible impacts on the legal aid fund. ...

"Test Run" of business forms

All new forms which are introduced as a result of Executive legislation impacting on businesses must be "test run" with an appropriate business organisation to ensure they are as clear, simple and easy to complete as possible.

Ministerial sign-off

The full Regulatory Impact Assessment is signed by the accountable Minister and 5 copies placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre when the regulation/legislation is presented to Parliament. Also one copy should each be sent to the lead Committee, Subordinate Legislation Committee, Parliament Legal Advisers and the Improving Regulation Unit. A signed final version in HTML format should also be sent to the Improving Regulation Unit in order that it can be published on their website.

Review Regulatory Impact Assessments

All Executive regulations that impact significantly upon businesses will be subject to a rigorous review in the form of a Review RIA within 10 years. Acceptance of the need for a Review RIA in the Final RIA commits the lead Department to completion of a "Regulatory MOT" within ten years of the introduction of the regulation. Departments are free to review regulations at any point within the ten years if this coincides with a pre-programmed review e.g. EU Directives often have a timetable for review built in, but the Improving Regulation unit must be kept informed. The Review RIA should take the Final RIA as its starting point and update the assessment made in the light of the implementation of the regulation. The Review RIA will consequently be able to provide an accurate assessment of the impact rather than an estimate."

Figure 2.3 Structure of the Standard Cost Model (Better Regulation Executive 2005)

Figure 2.3 Structure of the Standard Cost Model (Better Regulation Executive 2005)

Figure 2.4 An Example of an Output Table from The BRE Online Admin Burdens Calculator

Figure 2.4 An Example of an Output Table from The BRE Online Admin Burdens Calculator (

Table 2.3 The twenty Defra regulations with the highest admin cost (Defra 2006)

Table 2.3

Table 2.4 Defra IO/ DRs arranged by total cost (Defra 2006)

Table 2.4

Table 2.5 Admin cost of Defra's top twenty by origin: A=International, no discretion; B= International, some domestic discretion; C=Domestic (Defra 2006)

Table 2.5

Table 2.6 Preliminary appraisal of the ABME/ SCM

Table 2.6

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