
Overview of costs and benefits associated with regulation in Scottish agriculture

Research providing an overview of the regulations in Scottish agriculture and exploring 12 case studies in further detail.


Executive Summary

Defra (2006) Administrative Burdens Measurement Exercise Final Report: July 2006 London: Defra

Humpherson, E (2006) Ed Humpherson of the UK's National Audit Office gives his opinion of the standard cost model and explains why there's more to it than meets the eye. (Article on:

Last modified: 30/11/2006, accessed 22/6/08)

1. Introduction

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2. Overview of the assessment of cost and benefits of regulation and an assessment of the potential application of the Standard Cost Model in Scotland.

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Better Regulation Executive (2008) Impact Assessment Guidance London: Better Regulation Executive (available at:, accessed 27/6/08)

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Humpherson, E (2006) Ed Humpherson of the UK's National Audit Office gives his opinion of the standard cost model and explains why there's more to it than meets the eye. (Article on:

Last modified: 30/11/2006, accessed 22/6/08)

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McVittie, A. (2008) pers comm. 10/6/08

National Audit Office (2007) Reducing the Cost of Complying with Regulations: The Delivery of the Administrative Burdens Reduction Programme, 2007 London: The Stationery Office

3. The costs and benefits associated with key regulations in Scottish agriculture and with specified environmental regulations

Better Regulation Executive (2008a) "Proportionate Analysis" in the Impact Assessment Toolkit (available at:

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NFUS (2006) Industry Plan for Dealing with EU Law News Article 25/06 (available at:

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4. Best practice in the implementation of regulations in agriculture in other countries.

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Defra (2006) Administrative Burdens Measurement Exercise Final Report: July 2006 London: Defra

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Scottish Parliament (2006) European and External Relation Committee Inquiry into the Transposition and Implementation of European Directives in Scotland: Written Submissions

Scottish Government (2008) Agriculture Facts and Figures: Scottish Agriculture 2007 Edinburgh : Scottish Government

World Bank (2008) Doing Business Rankings (available at:

5. Conclusions: opportunities to improve the effectiveness of regulation in Scottish agriculture.

Defra (2006) Administrative Burdens Measurement Exercise Final Report: July 2006 London: Defra

Regulatory Review Group/Scottish Government (2008) The Scottish Improving Regulation Report 2008 Edinburgh: Scottish Government

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