
Overview of Food Aid Provision in Scotland

This reports on a small-scale study of the food aid landscape in Scotland which mapped food parcel services and 'soup kithen' providers across eight locations in Scotland. Insights into their operations, monitoring systems and client base are presented alongside an exploration of

the potential for monitoring scale and demand and the extent to which figures published by the Trussell Trust are representative of the Scotland wide situation.


1. Cooper, N. & Dumpleton, S. (2013) Walking the Breadline: The scandal of food poverty in 21st century Britain. Church Action on Poverty & Oxfam.

2. Foodbank is used here to refer to a place for which food parcel provision is the main function.

3. The Trussell Trust reported in October 2013 that "Whilst there are now double the number of foodbanks open this year compared to this time last year, numbers given emergency food have increased threefold". The Trussell Trust (2013) Tripling in foodbank usage sparks Trussell Trust to call for an enquiry. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

4. Cooper, N. & Dumpleton, S. (2013) Walking the Breadline: The scandal of food poverty in 21st century Britain. Church Action on Poverty & Oxfam.

5. The Telegraph (2013) 'Government urged to act as food poverty hits 18% of the UK', 30th June 2013.

6. Lambie,H. (2011) The Trussell Trust Foodbank Network: Exploring the Growth of Foodbanks Across the UK. Coventry University.

7. The Scotsman (2013) Food banks see five times as many Scots needing aid. Accessed 14 November 2013.

8. The Trussell Trust (2013) Biggest ever increase in UK foodbank use: 170% rise in numbers turning to foodbanks in last 12 months. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

9. The Trussell Trust (2013) Tripling in foodbank usage sparks Trussell Trust to call for an enquiry. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

10. The Trussell Trust (2013) The Growing Demand - Scotland. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

11. The Scotsman (2013) Food banks see five times as many Scots needing aid. Accessed 14 November 2013.

12. The Trussell Trust (2013) Tripling in foodbank usage sparks Trussell Trust to call for an enquiry. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

13. The Trussell Trust (2013) The Growing Demand - Scotland. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

14. The Trussell Trust (2013) Increasing numbers turning to foodbanks since April's welfare reforms. The Trussell Trust.

15. The Trussell Trust (2013) Tripling in foodbank usage sparks Trussell Trust to call for an enquiry. Salisbury: The Trussell Trust.

16. However, somewhat contrary to this, the respondent from Greater Pollok Integration Network said that their clients are predominantly White Scottish.

17. The Dundee drop in services 'DDI2013' leaflet is entering its second run of publication, supported by Dundee Council, NHS Scotland and the Hillcrest Group. The leaflet details information on the Health and Homeless Outreach Team (HHOT), the substance misuse service and drop in centres for food.

18. The new foodbank distribution centres did open at the beginning of October.

19. The foodbank had identified and viewed two potentials locations with rental values of £17k and £35k per annum respectively.


21. The Scotsman (2013) Food banks see five times as many Scots needing aid. Accessed 14 November 2013.


Email: Justine Geyer

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