Scottish National Standardised Assessments: recommendations from P1 Practitioner Forum

The P1 Practitioner Forum was formed to give P1 teachers a voice in the debate concerning the Scottish National Standardised Assessment (SNSA) for P1, and to generate practical advice to address the well-documented challenges and discussions that arose from SNSA’s first year of implementation.

Reflections on the P1 Practitioner Forum

“It was exciting reading the report. Thank you.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed being a member of the Forum. I loved meeting people from other schools and authorities, and hearing their experiences. Count me in if you’re doing anything again.”

“Where do we go from here? Can the Practitioners’ Forum continue in some way?”

“Sometimes you read a report and you think ‘Were they at the same meeting as me?’ but this is a terrific report. It really does reflect what we talked about.”

“I’m keeping in contact with a girl I met, even though we are in different authorities. We’ll continue swapping ideas and practices.”

“It would be great to meet up a year from now and review how the SNSA is being used in our schools.”



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