
Partnership Action for Continuing Employment: client experience survey 2020

This report provides key findings on the influence of the Scottish Government's initiative for responding to redundancy situations, Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE).


1 The previous iterations were carried out in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018.

2 The remaining 9% identified themselves as White Irish (1%), another white background (3%), of mixed ethnicity (1%) or Asian (1%). 3% preferred not to give their ethnicity.

3 ONS definition of socio-economic groups.

4 Now the Money and Pension Service.

5 The PACE Partner organisations are: Skills Development Scotland; Department for Work and Pensions; Acas Scotland; Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; Citizens Advice Scotland; Colleges Scotland; Confederation of British Industry Scotland; Convention of Scottish Local Authorities; Federation of Small Businesses Scotland; HM Revenue and Customs; Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland; Scottish Chambers of Commerce; Scottish Enterprise; Scottish Funding Council; Scottish Local Authorities Economic Development Group; Scottish Qualifications Authority; R3; Scottish Trades Union Congress; Scottish Training Federation; and Universities Scotland.

6 PACE Client Experience Survey 2018:
PACE Client Experience Survey 2016:

7 Scottish Government (2018) PACE Client Experience Survey 2018.

8 The 2010 survey covered individuals whose job had been selected for redundancy and who had received PACE services. Around half of these individuals had left their employment by the time of the survey, but the remainder were still working in the role that had been selected for redundancy. To maximise the breadth and depth of information that could be obtained about the influence of PACE on factors such as job search skills and employment outcomes, the decision was made to restrict subsequent waves of research to those who had left the job which was selected for redundancy. In assessing how satisfaction with PACE and the influence of the service may have changed over time, it is important that comparisons are made between equivalent samples. Therefore, where results for the four surveys are compared in the report, the 2010 findings are based on just those 2010 survey respondents who had left the job which was selected for redundancy by that time. Chapter 2 gives more details of the profile of the clients interviewed at each wave.

9 These records were randomly selected from a database of 6,500 PACE clients. A selection was made, rather than using all 6,500, based on response rates from the previous surveys which suggested 5,500 records would be sufficient for achieving the desired target of c.700 interviews.

10 Those classified as economically inactive comprises those who have retired, those not working due to ill health or disability and those who have taken on caring responsibilities in lieu of paid work.



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