Partnership Action for Continuing Employment: client experience survey 2022

Research into the experiences of clients receiving redundancy support services through Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE). This research is the seventh iteration of research assessing client experiences of PACE.

Appendix B: Supplementary time series data

Tables B1.1-1.3 Time Series for Services Satisfaction (2010-2022)

Satisfaction with delivery of career guidance and employability (Table 1 of 3)
Base Not at all satisfied (%) Not very satisfied (%) Quite satisfied (%) Very satisfied (%) Summary: satisfied, either ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ (%)
PACE Presentation
2022 423 6 7 45 40 85
2020 596 5 5 37 53 89
2018 801 4 9 42 44 86
2016 774 4 9 40 45 86
2014 716 5 9 42 43 85
2012 421 3 4 40 53 93
2010 362 2 5 43 50 93
Help with CVs, applications and letters
2022 362 3 7 36 53 89
2020 408 2 6 28 63 90
2018 545 5 9 33 53 86
2016 506 4 8 32 55 87
2014 422 3 7 27 60 87
2012 294 1 6 29 63 92
2010 243 2 5 33 59 92
Help with interviews and job search strategies
2022 274 3 7 37 50 87
2020 316 2 6 30 60 90
2018 407 4 10 33 51 84
2016 401 2 11 33 51 84
2014 297 4 9 31 55 87
2012 247 1 7 36 55 91
2010 216 1 7 37 54 91
Career guidance interview
2022 316 7 8 33 49 83
2020 339 4 6 38 50 88
2018 457 5 9 36 48 84
2016 410 5 9 36 48 84
2014 420 5 8 38 46 84
2012 254 2 6 40 51 91
2010 262 3 5 48 42 90

Base sizes refer to all clients using each service

Note: summary scores may not always equate to sum of individuals scores due to rounding

Satisfaction with delivery of career guidance and employability (Table 2 of 3)
Base Not at all satisfied (%) Not very satisfied (%) Quite satisfied (%) Very satisfied (%) Summary: satisfied, either ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ (%)
Benefits Information
2022 336 3 7 44 43 87
2020 400 4 7 42 46 88
2018 493 3 11 43 41 84
2016 514 5 10 40 44 84
2014 516 5 11 42 41 83
2012 311 3 6 45 45 90
2010 274 3 8 45 42 87
Advice on Business Start-Up
2022 98 7 10 43 35 78
2020 156 8 6 37 46 83
2018 236 9 9 41 38 79
2016 193 8 12 33 42 75
2014 169 5 14 36 36 72
2012 132 11 8 37 42 79
2010 111 5 10 47 32 79
Information about funding / training sources
2022 526 6 10 40 43 83
2020 444 5 8 39 46 85
2018 674 6 12 40 41 81
2016 540 4 12 35 47 83
2014 511 7 12 39 41 79
2012 287 2 10 44 41 85
2010 275 3 10 46 39 85
Money Advice Service
2022 142 2 6 40 49 89
2020 180 4 6 36 53 89
2018 235 5 10 41 40 81
2016 257 7 7 37 47 84
2014 210 3 10 39 43 82
2012 151 6 5 37 51 88
2010 78 9 3 45 40 85

Base sizes refer to all clients using each service

Note: summary scores may not always equate to sum of individuals scores due to rounding

Satisfaction with delivery of career guidance and employability (Table 3 of 3)
Base Not at all satisfied (%) Not very satisfied (%) Quite satisfied (%) Very satisfied (%) Summary: satisfied, either ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ (%)
Help with reading, writing and numbers
2022 35 8 2 42 48 90
2020 51 14 6 33 41 74
2018 52 10 8 37 42 79
2016 58 7 2 41 40 81
Mental health / wellbeing support*
2022 87 4 4 40 50 90
2020 132 5 5 42 48 90
2018 124 5 6 36 52 88
2016 138 3 10 34 48 82
Help understanding tax responsibilities
2022 50 3 3 39 53 92
2020 104 8 7 38 44 82
2018 132 6 4 42 48 89
2016 132 4 6 42 48 89
Handbook titled ‘Positive Steps to your Future’
2022 164 4 7 47 39 85
2020 316 4 5 37 51 88
2018 326 4 7 41 47 88
Help with Pensions from PensionWise
2022 115 4 10 47 39 85
2020 165 4 5 36 44 81

Base sizes refer to all clients using each service

Note: summary scores may not always equate to sum of individuals scores due to rounding

*Code wording changed from ‘Help to cope with redundancy related stress’ in 2020 to ‘Mental health/ wellbeing support’ in 2022

Tables B2.1-2.3 Time Series for Relevance of Materials (2010-2022)

Relevance of career guidance and employability services (Table 1 of 3)
Base Not at all satisfied (%) Not very satisfied (%) Quite satisfied (%) Very satisfied (%) Summary: satisfied, either ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ (%)
PACE Presentation
2022 423 8 12 49 29 78
2020 596 6 11 40 41 81
2018 801 6 13 45 35 80
2016 774 8 11 43 37 81
2014 716 8 13 43 36 78
2012 421 5 9 44 41 85
2010 362 2 8 46 43 89
Help with CVs, applications and letters
2022 362 5 9 33 52 85
2020 408 5 6 26 62 88
2018 545 5 10 31 53 84
2016 506 7 9 29 55 83
2014 422 5 6 29 58 88
2012 294 4 6 30 60 90
2010 243 2 6 30 61 91
Help with interviews and job search strategies
2022 274 6 10 35 47 82
2020 316 4 7 27 59 86
2018 407 5 13 34 47 82
2016 401 5 10 34 49 83
2014 297 5 8 33 53 86
2012 247 7 5 34 55 89
2010 216 1 11 31 56 87
Career guidance interview
2022 316 7 16 37 40 76
2020 339 7 9 36 46 82
2018 457 8 13 38 41 79
2016 410 8 14 36 40 77
2014 420 8 12 35 43 78
2012 254 6 11 37 45 82
2010 262 4 12 48 35 83

Base sizes refer to all clients using each service

Note: summary scores may not always equate to sum of individuals scores due to rounding

Relevance of career guidance and employability services (Table 2 of 3)
Base Not at all satisfied (%) Not very satisfied (%) Quite satisfied (%) Very satisfied (%) Summary: satisfied, either ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ (%)
Benefits Information
2022 336 10 11 37 40 77
2020 400 7 10 37 45 82
2018 493 6 18 36 39 75
2016 514 10 15 36 39 75
2014 516 8 10 37 42 79
2012 311 5 13 33 49 82
2010 274 5 12 38 44 82
Advice on Business Start-Up
2022 98 11 20 40 28 68
2020 156 13 21 30 34 64
2018 236 13 21 31 33 64
2016 193 18 19 31 32 62
2014 169 13 23 33 28 61
2012 132 27 13 32 28 60
2010 111 14 24 37 22 59
Information about funding / training sources
2022 526 7 13 38 42 79
2020 444 8 11 39 41 80
2018 674 6 15 39 40 79
2016 540 6 16 39 39 78
2014 511 9 18 37 36 73
2012 287 6 15 44 34 78
2010 275 5 15 39 40 79
Money Advice Service
2022 142 5 19 33 38 71
2020 180 6 6 40 48 88
2018 235 8 17 40 33 73
2016 257 12 15 39 33 72
2014 210 9 14 40 37 77
2012 151 13 13 32 40 72
2010 78 4 23 41 31 72

Base sizes refer to all clients using each service

Note: summary scores may not always equate to sum of individuals scores due to rounding

Relevance of career guidance and employability services (Table 3 of 3)
Base Not at all satisfied (%) Not very satisfied (%) Quite satisfied (%) Very satisfied (%) Summary: satisfied, either ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ (%)
Help with reading, writing and numbers
2022 35 13 33 22 32 54
2020 51 31 16 16 35 51
2018 52 21 10 33 37 69
2016 58 22 7 36 29 66
Mental health / wellbeing support
2022 87 4 12 38 46 84
2020 132 12 9 33 45 78
2018 124 6 14 44 37 81
2016 138 9 14 38 36 74
Help understanding tax responsibilities
2022 50 3 9 41 45 87
2020 104 13 13 28 44 72
2018 132 5 8 45 41 86
2016 132 5 9 42 42 84
Handbook titled ‘Positive Steps to your Future’
2022 164 5 10 47 34 81
2020 316 4 7 43 42 85
2018 326 4 9 45 40 85
Help with Pensions from PensionWise
2022 115 4 12 42 42 84
2020 165 5 10 35 41 75

Base sizes refer to all clients using each service

Note: summary scores may not always equate to sum of individuals scores due to rounding

*Code wording changed from ‘Help to cope with redundancy related stress’ in 2020 to ‘Mental health/ wellbeing support’ in 2022



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