Partnership Action for Continuing Employment - partnership data sharing: project report

Report commissioned to investigate data sharing amongst delivery partners to provide a better, more joined up service to both employers and to those being made redundant.


1. Information on data collected was provided by COSLA/BG; Colleges Scotland; UNITE/SUL; SDS; DWP; Acas; and HMRC.

2. Data for Public Benefit: Balancing the risks and benefits of data sharing.

3. Carnegie UK, Data for Public Benefit: Balancing the risks and benefits of data sharing (Dunfermline, 2018).

4. Department for Work and Pensions, 'Data Sharing to Tackle Worklessness: a guide for local partners', 2010:

5. Ibid.

6. Sarah Timmis et al. 'Sharing the Benefits: How to use data effectively in the public sector', 2018:

7. DWP, 'Data Sharing to Tackle Worklessness'.

8. The solutions in the table were sourced from DWP, 'Data Sharing to Tackle Worklessness'; Carnegie UK, Data for the Public Benefit; UKAuthority Data4Good, 'Steps Towards Becoming a Data Driven Organisation: A UKAuthority briefing note from Data4Good', 2017:; Timmis et al. 'Sharing the Benefit'; Social Care Institute for Excellence, 'Safeguarding Adults: Sharing Information', updated 2019:

9. UK Government, 'Government Registers Collection':

10. Timmis et al. 'Sharing the Benefit'.

11. Social Care Institute for Excellence, 'Safeguarding Adults: Sharing Information'.

12. Reducing Risk of Domestic Abuse, 'MARAC':

13. DWP, 'Data Sharing to Tackle Worklessness'.

14. Data for Public Benefit: Balancing the risks and benefits of data sharing.

15. Form HR1: for employers to notify the government (The Insolvency Service) of potential redundancies

16. Policy Studies Institute Research Discussion Paper: Early Identification of the Long-Term Unemployed, Clive Payne and Joan Payne, 2000.

17. Ibid

18. Predicting likelihood of long-term unemployment: the development of a UK jobseekers' classification instrument, Simon Matty, DWP, 2013

19. Identification of latest trends and current developments in methods to profile jobseekers in European Public Employment Services: Final report, Dr Sally-Anne Barnes and Sally Wright, IES, 2015

20. Identification of latest trends and current developments in methods to profile jobseekers in European Public Employment Services: Final report, Dr Sally-Anne Barnes and Sally Wright, IES, 2015

21. Ibid

22. Ibid

23. Predicting likelihood of long-term unemployment: the development of a UK jobseekers' classification instrument, Simon Matty, DWP, 2013

24. Predicting the Risk of Long-Term Unemployment: What can we learn from Personality Traits, Beliefs and other Behavioral Variables? Arni et al, 2014

25. Tackling Long-Term Unemployment through Risk Profiling and Outreach: A discussion paper from the Employment Thematic Network, Anette Scoppetta and Arthur Buckenleib, May 2018.

26. Identification of latest trends and current developments in methods to profile jobseekers in European Public Employment Services: Final report, Dr Sally-Anne Barnes and Sally Wright, IES, 2015

27. Including SDS, DWP, HMRC, ICAS, Scotland's Colleges, Citizens Advice, Pension Wise, LAs & Business Gateway



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