
Pain management service delivery implementation plan: progress report

An update on progress against the actions we are taking to reduce the impact of chronic pain on quality of life and wellbeing and improve information, care and services for people in Scotland, as set out in the Pain management - service delivery framework: implementation plan.

Aim c: safe, effective support to live well with chronic pain

We will improve the choice and outcomes from pain management support available to people with chronic pain by evaluating and promoting sustainable delivery of effective and evidence-based care.

Action 11

Update clinical guidelines for management of chronic pain to deliver evidence- based care and support - the proposal for Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) 136 update was submitted and approved to the Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) Evidence directorate for consideration. The chronic pain policy team met with the SIGN guideline update Chair to discuss how the Scottish Government could support this work. A multi-disciplinary expert group has been convened to develop the updated guideline. Work is underway with publication expected by 2025.

Action 12

Promote safer, more effective prescribing for people with chronic pain - the work towards Action 12 began by the mapping of cross-cutting activity across prescribing, chronic pain and mental health. The work in this action is being carried forward by the Quality Prescribing team in the Scottish Government. Policy teams are engaging with NHS 24 on helpline support services for sufferers of Prescription Medication Dependence and Withdrawal. The team has also drafted a chronic pain hot topic for inclusion within the Polypharmacy Guidance and are in discussion with SIGN on updates to relevant guidance. The Chronic Pain hot topics have three sub-categories; opioids, anticonvulsants and antidepressants. Further work and engagement for this action will continue in the updated Implementation Plan by the Quality Prescribing team.

Action 13

Deliver a national approach to specialist interventions for chronic pain - we have requested that Scottish Health Technologies, part of HIS, review the evidence base for specialist interventions. Any recommendations received from the group will be used to improve the quality and equity of services across Scotland.


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