
Pain Management Task Force - minutes July 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 20 July 2022

Attendees and apologies

  • Lynne Nicol, Deputy Director of Planning and Quality (Chair)
  • Helen Moores-Poole, AHP Advisor, Primary Care
  • Liam Gray, Policy Manager, Chronic Pain
  • Louise McInnes, National Implementation Lead, Chronic Pain
  • Moira Nelson, Team Lead, Chronic Pain and Endometriosis
  • Nicci Motiang, Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement
  • Nicola Rhind, National Clinical Lead, Chronic Pain
  • Rory Mackenzie, Interim Deputy Clinical Director, Centre for Sustainable Delivery
  • Sharon Robertson, Policy Manager, Chronic Pain
  • Stephen Martin, Unit Head, Realistic Medicine

Apologies received from James O’Malley, Claire Mellor and Lois Lobban

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed all attendees and noted the apologies.

Approval of minutes of last meeting

The minutes were agreed.

Terms of reference for the task torce

An updated paper was submitted which reflected the amendments suggested at the last meeting. Main amendment to note was, that following feedback from the Cabinet Secretary, a third sector representative will be approached to join the membership of the task force. 

It was asked that the membership job titles to be clarified to ensure they reflect recent changes.  

The terms of references were accepted once the minor amendment was done.

  • Action:  Implementation Lead to clarify job titles

Framework launch update 

Following Cabinet Secretary approval, the Framework Implementation Plan is on schedule to be published on 25 July 2022. Thanks were given to all the staff who have worked on the Framework. No external comms are planned for the publication date but will be done in September or October when a government-led debate on the plan is due to take place. 

Implementation progress

Person Centred Care Short Life Working Group (SLWGA)

A paper was submitted on the draft terms of reference for the SLWGA.

It was noted that cross referencing with other pieces of interlinked work, such as waiting well and realistic medicine, was important to ensure consistent information was available especially for primary care. 

The National Clinical Lead for Realistic Medicine had indicated they would be happy to be part of this SLWG as had the policy area for patient centred care.

  •  Action:  Clinical Lead / Implementation Lead to make contact with realistic medicine and person centred care contacts
  • Action: Implementation Lead to update the paper to reflect changes 

National Pain Education Group

A paper on the draft terms of reference for the National Pain Education Group was submitted. This group has been ongoing since May 2021 and a significant amount of work has been achieved. Actions are now to be linked to the Implementation Plan. Aware that more NHS Education Scotland (NES) especially technical representation to be sought, seeking input from task torce on additional membership.   

It was noted that the National Pain Education Group should be cognisant of different education levels, noted that there is a proposed post graduate university representation and queried whether an under graduate would be a good idea.   Agreed that it would be ideal, but that looking at under graduate training was still some time way.  Agreed to add to the terms of reference. 

It was suggested that a healthcare support worker would help compliment the existing membership. It was agreed the Clinical Lead would approach NES Healthcare Support Work Programme, Allied Health Profession (AHP) Lead to provide a contact name.

It was also proposed that the involvement of Realistic Medicine Clinical Lead into the Pain Education Group. In addition as the Clinical Lead is currently pulling together resources which will be used to identify gaps, there would be relevant Realistic Medicine tools can also be used for such things as shared decision making and that Policy Team could input as appropriate.

It was agreed that benchmarking on current pain education and training be carried out to provide a baseline measurement for improvement.  Clinical Lead to take forward with Pain Education Group. 

Implementation Lead confirmed baseline measurements and outcomes measures would need to be developed for each of the SLWGs and actions.

  • Action:   Implementation Lead to Add Undergraduate Training to Terms of Reference
  • Action: Primary Care AHP Lead to share NES Healthcare Support work contact with the Clinical Lead
  • Action: Realistic Medicine Unit Head to share contacts of Clinical Advisor with Implementation Lead and details with Clinical Lead
  • Action:  Clinical Lead to take forward with Pain Education Group

 Action reporting template

A draft task force action reporting template was submitted for approval. The report gives an idea of the proposed information which will be submitted by the SLWGs.

It was agreed that the balance of information provided would allow the task force to make decisions and be assured of progress. Any additional information could be sought as required. It was agreed that the template would be used for future updates to the task torce.

Draft performance framework

A paper on the draft performance framework was submitted. The document details the measurements that will be used to monitor the performance of the SLWGs. Issues relating to the governance of the SLWGs will be raised by the Implementation Lead, however the task force action reporting template will provide reassurance on the progress of the work associated with the SLWGs. The task force confirmed they were content with the paper.

Proposed implementation roll out

A paper was submitted on the proposed implementation roll out. it shows the proposed structure and frequency of meetings for the next 6 months i.e. this group will meet monthly until November and them move to every two months (bi-monthly). It was expected the meetings of the SLWGs would be scheduled to be in between the task force meetings to allow them to submit their reports.

It is anticipated that the SLWG on aim A will have its first meeting in September 2022.

The Implementation Lead was asked to scope out how agreement would be reached that the SLWGs outcomes have been achieved and what any exit strategy would be. The Implementation Lead confirmed that a full year 1 implementation plan will be tabled at the next meeting, and scoping of baseline data and outcome measurements would need to be developed and agreed by the task force. 

The Implementation Lead was thanked for all her hard work on the papers.

  • Action:  Implementation Lead / Policy Leads to provide Implementation Plan

Stakeholder involvement

Network Leads Update

The Clinical Lead has met with Network Leads Group where there was discussion over the provision of SLAs to support the framework implementation and also clarify what was needed over the role of the network leads. Overall, the network leads were positive. Further discussions need to take place with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) on what tasks would be appropriate for the National Residential Service as part of their existing roles. 

Agreement on SLAs/protected time, expectations and support provision was needed to ensure the implementation timelines do not slip.

It was noted that there was still uncertainty over SG budgets for 2022-23.

  • Action:  Clinical Lead and Implementation Lead to discuss with Senior Policy Lead and NHSGGC regarding capacity within residential programme to support implementation.

Patient panel

A paper was submitted giving an update on patient panel. The contract has been awarded to a social research company – the Lines Between and an inception meeting has been held. Weekly updates were to be provided to the policy team to ensure that milestones are being met. Any requests for involvement of the panel will be submitted to the policy team. 

It was asked that the Lines Between use the task force action reporting template agreed earlier in the meeting for submission to the task force. Unit Head / Strategic Communications Representative stated that the reporting frequency is different, as they report in weekly, however they would discuss with them. 

The next step was to start the recruitment to the panel and it was agreed that the recruitment questions will be shared with the Primary Care Lead AHP due to her clinical background and experience of user engagement.   

  • Action: Head of Strategic Communications & Engagement to share the proposed recruiting questions with Primary Care AHP Lead
  • Action: Head of Strategic Communications to ask the Lines Between to use the agreed reporting template 

Finance and commissioning

 A paper was submitted on finance and commissioning. Updated indicative SLA costs and committed costs were shown. Final budget negotiations are still taking place.  

It was asked that an updated paper, scoping out existing resources and gaps be sent out by email to the task torce.

  • Action– Team Lead to update paper and share by email 

Any other competent business

The Clinical Lead gave a verbal update on the situation with paediatric complex pain. SG has been approached by the service for support. The framework remit is aimed at adult care but the task force was asked for their opinion on what actions it could take to provide support to the paediatric service. This matter will be taken at the next meeting with a paper submitted current situation and the ask.

  • Action: Clinical Lead to submit paper for September meeting 

Date and time of the next meeting

Wednesday 17 August 2022

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