Pain Management Task Force minutes: July 2023
- Published
- 4 March 2024
- Directorate
- Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland Directorate, +1 more … Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
- Topic
- Health and social care
- Date of meeting
- 5 July 2023
- Date of next meeting
- 6 September 2023
- Location
- MS Teams
Minutes from the meeting of the group on 5 July 2023
Attendees and apologies
Nicci Motiang Deputy Chair - Unit Head Clinical Priorities, Scottish Government
Stuart Stephen – National Implementation Lead for Pain Management, Scottish Government
Nicola Rhind – National Clinical Lead for Pain Management
Aline Williams - Pain Service Manager Network Lead
Rory Mackenzie - Associate Clinical Director, NHS Centre for Sustainable Delivery
Martin Dunbar - Third Sector and Lived Experience Representative
Helen Moores-Poole- AHP Primary Care Advisor, Scottish Government
Lyn Watson - Pain Nurse Network Lead
Stephen Martin - Realistic Medicine Team Lead, Scottish Government
Lynne Railston - Public Health Scotland Improvement Lead
Gayle McCann – Senior Policy Manager, Scottish Government
Sharon Robertson – Policy Manager, Scottish Government
Lynne Nicol
Moira Nelson
Debs Steven
Tracy Robertson
Lois Lobban
Lars Williams
Welcome and apologies
Chair is unavailable so deputy will chair this meeting. Apologies were noted.
Approval of minutes and matters arising
Previous minutes were approved. Matters arising will be covered in agenda items.
Implementation Progress
Action 2 - NHS Inform currently has a “Content Freeze” in place which means the new pages will not be live until after the end of July (date to be confirmed by NHS24). Task Force were asked to note that the content now contains video links to break up the text.
Action 3, 4 and 14 – It is proposed that levels 1 and 2 will begin testing from the end of September and the launch of the toolkit mid-November.
The Clinical Lead will look at the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) badge system https://www. badges. sssc. uk. com/ which is used by social care staff.
- Action – review SSSC badge system
Action 10 – Remote Health Care Pathway (RHCP) test has been completed in NHS Highland and was well received. Due to be rolled out to other services. Task Force were asked to note a risk has been added to the risk register as the RHCP project managers have moved into other policy areas, and it is unclear if they will be replaced. National Clinical Lead has arranged a meeting with the RHCP lead to discuss.
- Action – feedback on agreed actions from meeting with RHCP Lead
Action 11 – Confirmation has been received that SIGN guideline 136 - Management of Chronic Pain is being updated and a multi-disciplinary group is being convened to take this work forward.
It was agreed to seek confirmation what the scope will be, e.g. interventions, medications as this guideline had originally been set up as a primary care resource.
- Action – feedback required on scope of the review
Action 16 – the SLWG has continued to meet, and discussions have been held with Clinicians and Service Managers which will now go to board analysts to review the suggestions and requirements.
The Task Force was asked to note that return data was not currently collected and the data collection SLWG was asked to consider that:
- return data is collected, however important to recognise this is a wider issue than chronic pain services
- PHS is asked to look at how meaningful return data can be collected and what the costing would be
- collection of non-medic first contacts is a priority
- Active Clinical Referral Triage (ACRT) recording should be recorded – and look to standardise across Scotland
Finance and commissioning
Confirmed no further change or update. There is no indication of funding position for next year (24/25).
Subscriptions are still around 80 people. Suggestions from the Task Force were to look to publicise the newsletter on the Toolkits, NHS Inform pages and the Alliance website. There is also an option to add to the Centre for Sustainable Delivery pages.
2023/24-year 2 implementation update Year 2
Publication delayed following feedback received during the stakeholder engagement that we should extend the stakeholder engagement period.
There is a Professional Advisors Group in SG across all of health and social care that meets monthly - it may be an idea to book into that to present on this work closer to Nov (secretariat provided Realistic Medicine)
- Action – date to be scheduled with PAG
The meeting went to breakout rooms to allow the members to provide feedback on the Year 2 of the plan.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 06 September 2023 at 10.30 am via MS Teams
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback