Palliative care strategy - lived experiences and public views: research studies - key findings summary

This additional paper summarises key findings from research studies exploring diverse lived experiences of palliative care, care planning, care around dying, bereavement and care along with public perceptions and expectations of palliative care.

Appendix 1: Papers and reports

  • Alcorn G, et al (2020) Care home residents who die in hospital: exploring factors, processes, and experiences. Age & Ageing 49(3): 468–480.
  • Bandieri E et al (2024) Early palliative care perceptions by patients with cancer and primary caregivers: metaphorical language BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care Published Online First: 13 May 2024.
  • Barrado-Martín Y et al (2022) Family caregivers' and professionals' experiences of supporting people living with dementia’s nutrition and hydration needs towards the end of life. Health Social Care Community; 30: 307–318.
  • Black A, et al (2018) The ‘lived experience’ of palliative care patients in one acute hospital setting – a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care 17, 91.
  • Bowers B, et al. (2022) Simultaneously reassuring and unsettling: a longitudinal qualitative study of community anticipatory medication prescribing for older patients, Age and Ageing, Volume 51, Issue 12, December
  • Bowers SP et al. (2022) End-of-life experiences of people living with socio-economic deprivation in the developed world: an integrative review. BMC Palliative Care 21, 193.
  • Canny A, et al, (2023) Public perceptions of advance care planning (ACP) from an international perspective: a scoping review. BMC Palliative Care 22, 107.
  • Carter G, et al. (2018). The experiences and preparedness of family carers for best interest decision-making of a relative living with advanced dementia: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(7), 1595–1604.
  • Close H et al (2021) Qualitative investigation of patient and carer experiences of everyday legal needs towards end of life. BMC Palliative Care 20, 47 (2021).
  • Collier A, et al (2023) 'The palliative care ambulance': A qualitative study of patient and caregiver perspectives of an ambulance service. Palliative Medicine. Jun;37(6):875-883.
  • Dixon KC, et al. (2023) Traveller end of life care experiences and needs: thematic analysis BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 0:1–10.
  • Eisenmann Y, et al. (2020) Palliative Care in Advanced Dementia. Front Psychiatry. 2020 Jul 21; 11:699.
  • Finucane AM, et al. (2015) Palliative and end-of-life care research in Scotland 2006–2015: a systematic scoping review. BMC Palliative Care 17, 19.
  • Flemming K, et al (2020) The experiences of, and need for, palliative care for people with motor neurone disease and their informal caregivers: A qualitative systematic review. Palliative medicine, 34(6), 708–730.
  • Funk LM et al, (2022) Where would Canadians prefer to die? Variation by situational severity, support for family obligations, and age in a national study. BMC Palliative Care 21, 139.
  • Gallagher J et al. (2022) Advance care planning in the community: factors of influence. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care; 12:e345-e357
  • Graham-Wisener L et al. (2022) Understanding public attitudes to death talk and advance care planning in Northern Ireland using health behaviour change theory: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 22, 906.
  • Green E et al (2018) Patients’ and carers’ perspectives of palliative care in general practice: A systematic review with narrative synthesis. Palliative Medicine; 8; 32(4):838-850.
  • Hanna JR, et al. (2022). There’s something about admitting that you are lonely’ – prevalence, impact, and solutions to loneliness in terminal illness: An explanatory sequential multi-methods study. Palliative Medicine.
  • Hansford L et al. (2022) How does housing affect end-of-life care and bereavement in low-income communities? A qualitative study of the experiences of bereaved individuals and service providers in the United Kingdom. Palliat Care Soc Pract. 2022 Jul 7:16
  • Harrop E et al. (2016) “It still haunts me whether we did the right thing”: a qualitative analysis of free text survey data on the bereavement experiences and support needs of family caregivers. BMC Palliat Care 15, 92
  • Hospice UK Report. “I just want to be me” Trans and Gender Diverse Communities’ Access to and Experiences of Palliative and End of Life Care, Hospice UK, 2023
  • Islam Z et al (2023) Thinking ahead about medical treatments in advanced illness: a qualitative study of barriers and enablers in end-of-life care planning with patients and families from ethnically diverse backgrounds Health and Social Care Delivery Research, No. 11.07 Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research.
  • Jerwood J, et al. (2021) Lean in, don’t step back: The views and experiences of patients and carers with severe mental illness and incurable physical conditions on palliative and end of life care. Progress Palliative Care; 29(5):255–63.
  • Johnson CV, et al. (2018) General practice palliative care: Patient and carer expectations, advance care plans and place of death - a systematic review. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. Published Online First: 25 July.
  • Kendall M, et al. (2015) Different experiences and goals in different advanced diseases: comparing serial Interviews with patients with cancer, organ failure or frailty and their family and professional carers. Journal Pain Symptom Management: 50(2):216-24.
  • Kendall M et al. (2018) Outcomes, experiences, and palliative care in major stroke: a multicentre, mixed-method, longitudinal study. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2018; 190 (9): E238-E46.
  • Khonsari S at al. (2022) Views of Care at End of Life: A Secondary Analysis of Online Feedback Using Care Opinion. Journal of Patient Experience 9.
  • Kimbell B, et al. (2015) Managing uncertainty in advanced liver disease: a qualitative, multi-perspective, serial interview study. BMJ Open. 2015; 5(11):e009241.
  • Kwok HHY et al, (2020) Experience and perspectives on palliative or end-of-life care of Chinese people and their families as immigrants to high-income countries: a systematic review and thematic synthesis. BMJ Global Health 2020;5: e003232
  • Lloyd A, et al. (2016) Physical, social, psychological, and existential trajectories of loss and adaptation towards the end of life for older people living with frailty: a serial interview study. BMC Geriatrics; 16: 176.
  • Marie Curie, Muslim Council of Britain, University College London, University of Leeds Report. (2023) Muslim Voices - The palliative care needs of British Muslims during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.
  • Marie Curie report. (2021) Public attitudes to death and dying in the UK.
  • Mason B, et al. (2022) Integrating lived experiences of out-of-hours health services for people with palliative and end-of-life care needs with national datasets for people dying in Scotland in 2016: A mixed methods, multi-stage design. Palliative Medicine 36(3): 478-488.
  • Mason B et al (2016) ‘My body's falling apart.’ Understanding the experiences of patients with advanced multimorbidity to improve care: serial interviews with patients and carers. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2016; 6:60-65.
  • Masoud B et al. (2023) Patient awareness of palliative care: systematic review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 13:136-142.
  • McParland C et al. (2019). Palliative and end of life care in prisons: a mixed-methods rapid review of the literature from 2014-2018. BMJ Open, 9 (12), e033905.
  • Moore KJ, et al (2017) Experiences of end of life amongst family carers of people with advanced dementia: longitudinal cohort study with mixed methods. BMC Geriatrics, 17(1), 135.
  • Nair P et al (2022) Experiences of Carers and People with Dementia from Ethnic Minority Groups Managing Eating and Drinking at Home in the United Kingdom. Nutrients. 2022 Jun 9; 14(12):2395.
  • Patra L et al. (2022) Cancer palliative care referral: patients’ and family caregivers’ perspectives – a systematic review. BMJ Support Palliat Care Published Online First: 03
  • Pini S, et al (2021) Patient and professional experiences of palliative care referral discussions from cancer services: A qualitative interview study. Eur J Cancer Care, 30: e13340
  • Pollock K et al. (2022) Patient and family caregiver perspectives of Advance Care Planning: qualitative findings from the ACTION cluster randomised controlled trial of an adapted respecting choices intervention, Mortality.
  • Pollock K et al (2023) The ideal and the real: patient and bereaved family caregiver perspectives on the significance of place of death, Death Studies.
  • Pun JKH et al. (2019) Chinese perspective on end-of-life communication: a systematic review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. e2020; 0:1–8.
  • Remawi BN, et al. (2023) The experiences of patients with advanced heart failure, family carers, and health professionals with palliative care services: a secondary reflexive thematic analysis of longitudinal interview data. BMC Palliative Care 22:115
  • Rogers A, et al (2023) Parkinson’s disease and palliative care: a quality of care Delphi study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care; 13:255-262.
  • Rosa WE et al (2022) Palliative and end-of-life care needs, experiences, and preferences of LGBTQ+ individuals with serious illness: A systematic mixed-methods review. Palliative Medicine; 37(4):460-474.
  • Sampson C et al (2014) The practice of palliative care from the perspective of patients and carers BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care; 4:291–298.
  • Selman LE, et al. (2019) The views and experiences of older people with conservatively managed renal failure: a qualitative study of communication, information and decision-making. BMC Nephrology 20, 38.
  • Sepulveda JMG et al. (2022). What is a Good Death? A Choice Experiment on Care Indicators for Patients at End of Life. Journal Pain Symptom Manage; 63(4): 457-467.
  • Shabnam J, et al. (2020). Palliative care for older South Asian migrants: A systematic review. Palliative and Supportive Care, 18(3), 346-358.
  • Silies KT at al. (2022) Informal caregivers and advance care planning: systematic review with qualitative meta-synthesis. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2022; 12:e472–e483.
  • Stajduhar KI et al (2020) Caregiving at the margins: An ethnographic exploration of family caregivers’ experiences providing care for structurally vulnerable populations at the end-of-life. Palliative Medicine: 34(7):946-953.
  • Stajduhar KI et al (2019) "Just too busy living in the moment and surviving": barriers to accessing health care for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life. BMC Palliative Care. Jan 26; 18(1).
  • Swan S et al. (2022) Factors influencing adult carer support planning for unpaid caregiving at the end of life in Scotland: Qualitative insights from triangulated interviews and focus groups. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30, 1422– 1432.
  • Triandafilidis Z et al. (2024) Improving end-of-life care for people with dementia: a mixed-methods study. BMC Palliat Care 23, 30.
  • Velepucha-Iniguez J et al. (2022). Barriers to palliative care access in patients with intellectual disability: a scoping review. Journal Pain Symptom Management, 64(6), e347–e356.
  • Wilson E et al (2022) Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public, Mortality.

Children, young people and parents

  • Barrett, L M A. et al (2023) Understanding parent experiences of end-of-life care for children: a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis. Palliative Medicine: 37(2); 178–202.
  • Bennett HE et al (2023) Paediatric advance care planning in life-limiting conditions: scoping review of parent experiences. BMJ Supportive Palliative Care; 13:161-173.
  • Coombes, L et al. (2022). Achieving child-centred care for children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: a qualitative interview study. European Journal of Paediatrics. 181, 3739–3752
  • Fields D, et al (2023). What does 'good' palliative care look like for children and young people? A qualitative study of parents' experiences and perspectives. Palliative medicine, 37(3), 355–371.
  • Jindal-Snape D. et al. (2019) Multiple and multidimensional life transitions in the context of life-limiting health conditions: longitudinal study focussing on perspectives of young adults, families, and professionals. BMC Palliative Care 18, 30.
  • Lord S, et al, (2020) Assessment of bereaved caregiver experiences of advance care planning for children with medical complexity. JAMA Network Open. Jul 1; 3(7):e2010337.
  • Taylor J et al (2020) Specialist paediatric palliative care for children and young people with cancer: A mixed-methods systematic review. Palliative Medicine. 34(6):731-775.
  • Winger A et al (2020). Family experiences with palliative care for children at home: a systematic literature review. BMC Palliative Care 19, 165

Briefings and reports



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