
Planning Advice Note 70: electronic planning service delivery

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 70 explains how new technology can improve the delivery of the planning service.


15. It is important that planning homepages are consistent, particularly for users operating across a number of local authority areas. A model structure for a homepage is shown in Annex A. While planning authorities need to adhere to corporate styles, they are encouraged to follow this model as far as possible. Planning authority webpages will be the first place many users look for planning information and services. Planning authorities, therefore, need to ensure that developing and maintaining their webpages is a central part of their workload.

16. 'Planning' should always be included in any A-Z search facility. Increased consistency between public sector planning websites can also be achieved by using domain names which include the suffix /planning. A brief introduction to the planning system on planning homepages will help those with little previous exposure to the service. There is potential to link to the guide to the planning system on the Executive's planning homepage, if a comparable document has not been developed. Further advice on this subject is provided in paragraphs 72 and 73.



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