
Planning Advice Note 70: electronic planning service delivery

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 70 explains how new technology can improve the delivery of the planning service.


Computer Aided Design (CAD) software used to assess the impact of development proposals in Edinburgh.
Computer Aided Design ( CAD) software used to assess the impact of development proposals in Edinburgh.
77. Three dimensional (3D) computer generated visualisation is an effective way of engaging with communities and assessing the visual impact of development proposals. There are a number of Computer Aided Design ( CAD) and GIS software packages that allow 3D models to be created. These packages allow impressive virtual worlds to be created and explored by users. They also provide a means of experiencing proposed changes in an easily interpreted 3D environment.

78. There are an increasing number of examples of such technologies being used both to aid visual impact assessment of development proposals and to stimulate feedback to consultations, for instance Edinburgh World Heritage Trust has created a CAD model of the Old Town and part of the New Town to help assess the impact of new developments.



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