
Planning Advice Note 70: electronic planning service delivery

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 70 explains how new technology can improve the delivery of the planning service.


2. Communities and businesses expect continuous improvement in the delivery of public services. This means providing choice, convenient access and efficiency. For many people the internet has become the first point of access to services and information, and its use is predicted to increase. The Scottish Executive is encouraging greater public access to the web and increased awareness of the benefits of getting online - see the digital inclusion strategy Connecting Scotland's People . It has also made a commitment that all public services that can feasibly be provided electronically should be available by 2005.

3. In planning we are seeking wider and more effective public involvement, and must therefore make use of new technology to provide access to information and enable people to participate when and how it suits them. New technology can also increase the efficiency of business processes, improve performance and bring better use of resources. It supports more efficient service delivery by allowing local authorities to set up telephone contact centres to process and direct enquiries. Paper-based interaction should, however, be maintained for customers who prefer this approach.



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