
Planning Advice Note 70: electronic planning service delivery

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 70 explains how new technology can improve the delivery of the planning service.


11. E-planning initiatives will have the greatest long term benefit if they are part of a clearly defined vision for planning service improvement. Every planning authority is encouraged to develop an e-planning strategy which sets out concisely how and when they plan to implement the aims of the e-Planning Compact. This should be complementary to wider council e-government objectives.

12. All e-planning initiatives need to be subject to a comprehensive, but proportionate, assessment through the development of a sound business case. Implementation should be supported by a project management approach with targets, milestones, clear allocation of responsibility and identification of the necessary resources. PRINCE 2 is the commonly accepted standard for ICT project management and helps ensure effective organisation, management and control of projects. Project management software can help in drawing up a project plan. A pragmatic approach to PRINCE will suit smaller projects. Further advice can be found at

13. Effective communication with potential users will be required throughout the development, implementation and monitoring stages of any e-planning project. In addition, marketing may be necessary to encourage use of online information and services. Planning authorities are encouraged to set aside time to train their own staff, developers, agents, consultees and community organisations in the use of the new technology.



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