
Planning Advice Note 83: master planning

This Planning Advice Note (PAN) 83 covers the masterplanning process from beginning to end.

masterplanning our ability to masterplan will have an important role in achieving successful places and a sustainable future for Scotland

Planning series:

  • Scottish Planning Policies ( SPPs) provide statements of Scottish Government policy on nationally important land use and other planning matters, supported where appropriate by a locational framework.
  • Circulars, which also provide statements of Scottish Government policy, contain guidance on policy implementation through legislative or procedural change.
  • Planning Advice Notes ( PANs) provide advice on good practice and other relevant information.

Statements of Scottish Government policy contained in SPPs and Circulars may be material considerations to be taken into account in development plan preparation and development management.

Existing National Planning Policy Guidelines ( NPPGs) have continued relevance to decision making, until such time as they are replaced by a SPP. The term SPP should be interpreted as including NPPGs.

Statements of Scottish Government location-specific planning policy, for example the West Edinburgh Planning Framework, have the same status in decision making as SPPs.



Telephone: 0131 244 7528

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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