
Planning Advice Note 83: master planning

This Planning Advice Note (PAN) 83 covers the masterplanning process from beginning to end.


The development process can be complex. There are often a number of issues and stakeholders to balance, particularly on sites in multiple ownership or with several developers. Masterplanning can structure the process into clear and manageable stages, ensuring that standards are kept high, and that the final development delivers the vision for the area, and is consistent with design policy, principles and aspirations.

Creating better places through masterplanning requires a high degree of collaboration and communication between the client, the community and the local authority (particularly planning and transportation services departments). Involving a wide range of stakeholders throughout the process builds commitment to the proposals and increases the developer's chances of creating a successful place.

Masterplanning has an important role in Scotland's future by helping us to create well-designed built environments that make us feel welcome and secure, and that promote healthier lifestyles, reduce our environmental impact, are adaptable and have lasting economic and social benefits.



Telephone: 0131 244 7528

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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