
Parental Involvement and Engagement Census Scotland 2021/22

Statistical publication providing information on the Parental Involvement and Engagement Census 2021/22.

Data Coding and Cleaning

Scottish Government received data from the local authorities for those questions in the core questionnaire only. Where a local authority had included additional questions these were not shared with Scottish Government. As this is a local authority data collection, local authorities have the flexibility to change or exclude questions. Therefore not all core questions were asked in each local authorities.

All questions were voluntary, so respondents were able to move through a question without providing a response. Where respondents did not provide a response, these are coded as NA.

Table 2 below sets out the coding applied to the data received by Scottish Government.

Table 2: Coding applied by Scottish Government:



LA code

Added by SG

Q1 School type

The three possible response options are "Primary school", "Secondary school", "Special school or support unit". Some of LAs changed the "Special school or support unit" description (e.g., to "Additional Support Needs School"). Where this was the case this has been replaced with “Special school or support unit” for analysis purposes.

Q2/Q3/Q4 School name

Names are as provided by LAs.

Where a response was not provided a value of “NA” has been included.

School identifier (SEED code)

Added by Scottish Government. This variable is extracted from the School name variable (concatenated as follows: School Name - Town Name - Seedcode).


Town Name was removed from the datasets.


Where a local authority did not include Seedcode in the school name list a value of “888 Data not collected” was included.


Where local authorities included a “Prefer not to say” response option, a value of “NA” has been included.

SIMD quintile

Where postcode was not completed or incorrect postcode format, or where a SIMD quintile could not be assigned, a value of “NA” is included.

Missing values

All questions are voluntary. Where a respondent does not provide a response to a question a value of “NA” in included.

Question routing

Where a respondent is routed past a question based on a response to a previous question a value of “NA” is included.


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For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician

Telephone: 0131 244 0442


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