
Parental Involvement and Engagement Census Scotland 2021/22

Statistical publication providing information on the Parental Involvement and Engagement Census 2021/22.

Deprivation Analysis

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) values are based on postcode. Respondents were asked to include their home postcode. These postcodes are linked to the Scottish Government SIMD 2020 postcode lookup file to attach the SIMD quintile.

From all responses:

  • 71% were matched and a SIMD quintile assigned;
  • 21% of records did not contain a valid postcode;
  • 8% of records could not be matched or assigned a SIMD quintile.

Where a SIMD quintile can not be assigned the variable is coded as “NA”.

Table 3 below sets out the number of records matched.

Table 3: Record matching to SIMD datazones

Total records PIE dataset


Number of records with a match


Number of records with missing postcode value (where no postcode was provided)


Number of records with no match on SIMD/postcode dataset



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Office of the Chief Statistician

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